Value Centric Selling - How to Sell on Value, Not Price
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This course is about how to sell the value of your product or service using quantifiable numbers so you can prove, in financial terms, how you can help your client.
There are 34 videos and a 54 page workbook so that you can follow along.
There are 9 modules and each module builds on the previous video.
1Shift in Selling
NOTE: Download Study Guide to follow along
I. Shift In Selling: What’s Changed?
· User accessibility to information
· Internet has changed our buying behavior
· Clients are more informed through research
· Client have more alternatives
· Clients are 60%-70% into the buying process by the time they contact a vendor
· In a recession budgets get tight; money becomes scarce
· Make a Safe decision
· Most value for their money
· Justify the purchase based on tangible numbers
The Result?
· A change in how people buy
· No one wants to be pressured into buying
· Qualitative persuasion isn’t enough
· Quantifying the value for the client and help them make a decision
2Sales Philosophy 2.0
II. Sales Philosophy 2.0
· Put yourself in the client’s shoes
· View selling from the buying perspective
· Understand their pain point and concerns
· Give clients as much information as necessary
· Position yourself as an advisor (through sharing knowledge)
· Establish credibility by demonstrating (or proving)
· Give the client necessary information to make a decision
· Do not pressure the client into making a decision
· Clarify issue(s) for the client and guide their decision-making process
3Value Impact: The Ball Example
III. Value Impact – Ball Example
Value Centric Question: Where does your product or service impact a client's business?
With this simple example of manufacturing a "ball", the challenge is to find ways that your product or service can help clients: increase revenue, reduce cost or expand market share.
For this example, here are 4 value impact zones:
· Material Cost
· Machine - Manufacturing
· Manpower
· Marketing
4Product Description
Product Name: ____________________________________
Development/Release Year: _______
Product Price (Average Sales Order): $ ______________
Product Description:
Why was this product developed?
5Feature-Benefit Product Inventory
List the top five (5) in order of importance: