The Ultimate PHP Training Bundle for Beginner to Advanced
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
- Grade
PHP is an invaluable tool to help web developers build powerful websites. Despite how PHP powerful it is, few web developers know how to use PHP to its full potential, which is where our Ultimate PHP Training Bundle comes in.
This training bundle combines two jam-packed PHP courses into one training bundle.
The bundle includes:
- 12.5 hours of video tutorials
- 90+ individual video lectures
- 2 Quizzes with 80 questions
- Certificate of completion
Courses included with this bundle:
Learn PHP Programming for Beginners
These days, you’re nowhere without a website, so there’s a huge value to web development skills. PHP is one of the most widely-used scripting languages around, and this course will help you master the basics of the language so that you can build your own website, or help refine your company’s. Discover the power of PHP as you take your website development skills to the next level.
During this 6.5 hour PHP beginner course, discover the fundamental concepts beginner PHP developers need to master. Your professional instructor combines practical lectures that ensure you have a solid grasp of the basics with coding examples that include exercise files so you get real hands-on practice.
Follow along as you learn the PHP syntax, development environment, and other basic concepts. Discover more advanced topics including database storage, object oriented development, using the standard PHP library, and basic SQL language commands.
Learn Advanced PHP Programming
During this 6 hour advanced PHP course, discover the power of PHP as you take your website development skills to the next level. Your professional instructor combines practical lectures that ensure you have a solid grasp of the concepts with coding examples that include exercise files so you get real hands-on practice.
Follow along as you learn functions, date and time manipulation, debugging and application logging. Discover the use of strings, REGEX, runtime error handling, the use of file resources, manipulating file date including reading and parsing data in a CSV file format.
Learn methods for database access, design patterns, using the mail function, PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository, and cURL, a library that lets you make HTTP requests.
The advanced PHP training continues with topics on web services, introspection and reflection, Smarty Templates, sessions, different PHP frameworks, and some PHP best practices.
Are you ready to launch your PHP skills the next level?
*Updated July 2017: Close captions in English added.
48Course Objectives; Review of the Basics - Part 1
49WATCH ME: Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience
50PHP Advanced Demo Exercise Files
51Review of the Basics - Demo 1
52Review of the Basics - Part 2
53Review of the Basics - Demo 2
54Review of the Basics - Part 3
55Review of the Basics - Demo 3
56Code Reuse, Feeding a Function, Return Data from a Function
57Call-by-Value vs. Call-by-Reference - Demo
58Date and Time Manipulation
59How to Manipulate Date and Time - Demo
60PHP Built-in Constants, Debugging PHP, and Application Logging
61Debugging and Logging PHP - Demo 1
62Debugging and Logging PHP - Demo 2
63String Manipulation and Regular Expressions
64String Manipulation Functions - Demo
65Regular Expression Functions - Demo
66Runtime Error Handling
67Runtime Error Handling using PHP Exception Handling Mechanism - Demo
68Manipulating Files with PHP
69Reading and Parcing Data in Comma Separated Value Format - Demo
70Database Storage
71Database Connectivity - Demo
72Design Patterns
73Mail Function
74Retrieving and Sending an E-mail using a PHP Function - Demo
75Send E-mail using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Demo
76PHP Extension and Application Repository
77PHP Extension and Application Repository - Demo
78Client URL
79Basic cURL - Demo
80Login to a Website and Post Status Update using cURL- Demo
81Webscraping using cURL - Demo