The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success!
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“I really enjoy Steve’s approach. It’s informative and approachable. I’ve researched various ways to get out of debt and start investing and Steve does a great job of compiling what I have learned. For me, it’s a great reinforcement of positive behavior. For someone looking for direction, I think this course is a great place to start. Thanks so much!” –Jordon P
The ability to save money is critical as it is the behavior that funds your investments and investments are what fund your biggest goals and dreams.
Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when it comes to saving money.
Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. All of it started by using the techniques and best practices shared in this course to become an expert saver of money.
No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom so you can personalize your learning and hit your own goals!.
Some of the things you will learn are:
- The SMART Process to saving and prodigious wealth.
- What percentage of income to save to for success.
- Is there such as thing as good debt?
- The proper use of credit cards.
- How to manage small and large purchases to reduce expenses..
- Budgeting tools that work.
- An overview of popular online tools to help you save and manage expenses.
- The importance of automating both your saving and your bill paying.
- The top 5 mistakes that are financial killers and how to avoid them.
- How time and the magic of compounding can help you reach your goals.
- How the instructor uses the principles that you can adapt to your own life.
- Key action steps to take now plus a bonus step to insure success.
Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund, particularly as this course is focused on saving money and reducing expenses. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.
No risk to sign up with the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don’t delay.
Please click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let’s get started!
Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!
-Steve Ballinger
1Course Overview
Brief overview of the course.
2Why Many Of The "Rich" Live Paycheck To Paycheck
Surpising truth based on research that the rich are not as rich as they may appear.
3Understanding Net Worth: How The Successful Keep Score
How to calcluate net worth and teh impoartance of using that as our measure of success.
4Can I Save A Ton Of Money And Have A Life?
Being effective with money does not mean forging everything in your live today for a future tomamrrow. It takes balance.
5What Percentage Of Your Income Should You Save?
Too little saved as a percentage will make it difficult to reach your future goals. This lesson looks at the right amount and understandingin balance.
6Is There Such A Thing As Good Debt And Bad Debt?
Are loans for things such as an education or a home considered "Good Debt?" and what is the best way to view debt.
7Small Purchases Really Add Up. The Famous Latte Factor
The surprising truth that your small daily piurchaes can add up to be a drag on aciveing your financial goals.
8Big Purchases. How To Avoid Big Mistakes When The Stakes Are High.
Takes a lot of Latte's and small purchases to make up for big purchase misatakes.
9Credit Cards. The Right Way To Use Them From A Top 1% Credit Score Holder.
Learn how to properly use credit cards and avoid big interest payments, fees, and penailties from a top 1% credit score holder.
10Quiz SavingQuiz Saving
11Why Businesses Track Results And You Should To.
Tracking results is omprtant to know if you are succeeding or if off track. Tun a basic business principle into a powerful pesonal finance tactic.
12The Easiest Most Effective Budget Tool To Solve Your #1 Issue Ever!
So simple and so effective you can put it inplace within 2 minutes of finishing this lesson.
13Using A Spreadsheet For Budgeting
Long-time tool for budgeting and how you can adapt to your own situation and the importance of drilling down from general expenses such as entertainment to sub categories such as movies or books to identify saving opportunities.
14Online Budgeting Tools Overview. Mint and More!
Overview of 7 popular online tools that can make budgeting easier and more powerful.
15How To Choose The Best Budgeting Tool For Yourself.
Actually very easy and there are 3 main components to look at when deciding. No one size fits all and this lesson gives you the insight to pick what is the best and easiest method for you.
16Quiz Managing
Quiz Managing.
17Automate Or You Won't Do It.
Autotmation is a core concept and if not done properly or at all makes it diffcicult to hit your financial goals as poor decision making and bad behaviors can creep in.
18Automating Savings & Spending
Learn the top reason you should automate both your savings and your bill paying.
19Systematic Saving To Grow Money And Reduce Ris
Systematicn saving makes it easy and takes out of play bad habits or a poor decsion that can negatively imapct results.
20Automation And Found Money
Found money is unexpected money both small and large amounts and how automation helps you to stay on track and not spurge on a big expense.
21Quiz Automating
Quiz Automating
22Who Are The Jones'es And Why We Should Not Care.
Metaphor for competing materially which leads to us being our own worst enemy when it comes to saving money.
23Resisting Certain Behaviors And Habits
Learn the importance of identifying the top 2-3 behaviors that are unique to you that can be really holding you back.
24Important To Resist These Top 5 Mistakes That Are Financial Killers
The top 5 financial mistakes that can really put your savings plan in jeapordy.
25Quiz Resisiting
Quiz Resisiting
26Time Is On Your Side And What Einstein Knew.
How compounding interest and time work together to grow your money even faster.
27Time To Invest
Now that you are saving more and have learned about the impact that compounding iterest has over time look at making that money grow to fund your goals and dreams with investing.
28Time To Give
This short lesson looks at the benefits of giving as part of your financial and human picture.
29Quiz Time
Quiz Time