Tackling Test Anxiety
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Tackling Test Anxiety is a guided online course created by psychologists to help test-takers effectively manage their test anxiety and approach tests with confidence and focus. This course helps test-takers identify the true source of their anxiety and begin shifting their narrative related to the meaning of tests. Test-Takers will learn to work with their thoughts, emotions, and bodies as they reduce anxiety and prepare for tests. With practice of the guided content, this course will help test-takers tackle their tests and showcase their true potential. This course is intended for test-takers high school age and older.
1Meet the Instructors and the Course
Meet Drs. Christina L. Aranda and Janell M. Mihelic (Licensed Psychologists) and hear why they have put this course together for you. Learn how best to approach this course.
Action Item: Review the summary document "Meet the Instructors and the Course" and print out the document "Syllabus- Your Guide to the Course" to track your progress in the course and see action items.
2Meet the Sandstone Team
Meet the team that helped put this course together and are featured in various videos.
3Symptoms of Test Anxiety
Learn about the common symptoms of test anxiety and listen to test-takers talk about their experience with test anxiety. Think about which symptoms you tend to experience.
Note:Â A copy of the powerpoint slide that is featured at the end of the video is available to download in PDF format and is titled, "Test Anxiety Symptoms PDF".
4Common Myths
Hear about common test anxiety myths and how to challenge self-defeating thoughts.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Common Myths of Test Anxiety".
5Introduction to Assessing Your Test Anxiety
Gain insight about the severity, symptoms, and history of your test anxiety by taking two assessments and completing a reflection worksheet that are introduced by Dr. Mihelic.
6Take the Test Anxiety Questionnaire (Assessment #1)
Take the first assessment called the "Test Anxiety Questionnaire" that assesses severity of your test anxiety, then learn how to score and interpret the results.
Action Item: Download and print the document titled "Test Anxiety Questionnaire Nist_Diehl_1990". Follow the directions for completing this assessment.
7Take the Test Anxiety Self Assessment (Assessment 2)
Take the second assessment called the "Test Anxiety Self Assessment" that assesses the types of symptoms of your test anxiety (e.g., physical and/or cognitive symptoms), then learn how to score and interpret the results. Based on the results, be mindful of which interventions are especially important for you to practice.
Action Item: Download and print the document titled "Test Anxiety Self Assessment". Follow the directions for completing this assessment.
8Self-Reflection Worksheet
Reflect on your journey with tests and increase your awareness of your test anxiety by answering questions about your experiences with tests.
Action Item:Â Download and print the document titled "Reflecting on Your Test Anxiety Worksheet". Answer the prompts as completely as possible. Use more paper if needed.
9"I've taken the assessments and reflected. Now what???"
Receive guidance on how to apply the insights you have gained from the assessments and reflection worksheet and turn them into action items that can help you better manage your test anxiety, including looking for "quick fixes" based on your symptoms, practicing techniques that match your test anxiety profile, addressing other test-related issues, and practicing self-compassion.
Action Item:Â Download and review the summary document "Post Self-Reflection Tips".
10Introduction to Stress and Relaxation
Learn about the effects of stress and the importance of increasing your practice of relaxation to reduce test anxiety. The next section of the course will teach you about deep breathing, mindfulness, visualizations, and muscle relaxation.
11Belly Balloon Breathing
Learn to relax and improve focus in this guided mindfulness exercise that teaches you to breathe deep into your belly and work with distracting thoughts.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Belly Balloon Diaphragmatic Breathing Directions". Practice belly breathing often.
12Peaceful Space Visualization
Practice creating a peaceful space in this guided visualization that can help you learn to focus and reduce anxiety over time.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Peaceful Space Visualization Directions". Practice this visualization exercise often.
13Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Relax your body in this guided exercise that shows you how to systematically tense and relax major muscle groups to encourage overall relaxation.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Progressive Muscle Relaxation Directions". Practice muscle relaxation often.
14Visualization of a Successful Test Day
Prepare for test day in this guided visualization of a successful test-taking experience. This exercise can help you work through initial test-taking anxiety and practice positive coping strategies for performing to your potential on test day.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Successful Test Day Visualization Directions". Practice this visualization several times.
15Cognitive Distortions
Learn to identify maladaptive thought patterns called cognitive distortions that may be undermining your success. Listen to a group label and define the distortions, as well as provide examples of each.Â
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Common Cognitive Distortions". Catch yourself engaging in cognitive distortions as you prepare for your exam.
16Positive Thinking
Practice positive thinking and challenging your cognitive distortions. Once you've completed the "Positive Thinking Worksheet", listen to a group brainstorm ways to think more positively.
Action Item: Download, print, and complete the "Positive Thinking Worksheet". Then, watch the group answer the prompts. Catch yourself saying negative statements and practice reframing them to be positive.
17Using Self-Affirming Statements
Learn about the power of using positive self-affirming statements to increase self-esteem, confidence, and productivity as you prepare for your exams. The more you practice using self-affirming statements, the easier and more powerful it becomes.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Positive Self-Affirming Statements". Practice using the statements listed in the document daily and add your own.
18Find Inspiration and Motivation in Your Environment
See an example of finding and using positive messages in your environment to keep you inspired and motivated as you prepare for your test. Challenge yourself to notice inspiring messages in your environment.
19Using "Acceptance and Commitment" to Reduce Test Anxiety
Hear Nick Carfagno, M.A. (Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology) describe techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to mindfully approach the experience of anxiety. Practice naming your anxiety without judgment and working through the sensation of anxiety.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Acceptance and Commitment". Practice using ACTÂ to manage anxiety with the tips listed in the document.
20Making a Motivation Board
Learn to create an interactive motivation board to help keep you focused on your long term goals and daily strategies for achieving test-success.Â
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Creating a Motivation Board" and make your own motivation board.
21Study Strategies
Hear Dr. Christina Aranda and Dr. Janell Mihelic discuss various study strategies that can help you form a diverse study plan for effectively learning test content.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Study Strategies".
22Time Management Strategies
Learn different time management techniques to help you make and stick to your study plan, including: adopting a slow and steady mentality, creating a long-term study plan, practicing Pomodoro techniques, and following a "Work, then Play" framework.
Note:Â A copy of the powerpoint is available to download in PDF format and is titled, "Time Management Techniques PP".
Learn about the basics of self-care and its importance in preparing for your exams and reducing test anxiety. Self-care includes:Â sleep, exercise and movement, nutrition, and relaxing activities. See a few examples of enjoyable self-care activities.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Self Care" and assess your current level of self-care and where you can make improvements.
24Planning for Upcoming Tests
Mindfully plan for an upcoming test with a worksheet that helps you identify action items, apply coping strategies, and engage in self care.
Action Item: Download and print the document titled "Planning for Upcoming Tests Worksheet". Answer the questions as completely as possible for your next test and implement your plan.
25Top Tips for Test Day
Solidify your plan for test day with this review of top tips for strategically tackling your test and celebrating your hard work.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Top Tips for Test Day".
26Post-Test Anxiety
Anticipate post-test anxiety and learn ways to care for yourself after the test.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Post-Test Self Care". Create your post-test self-care plan.
27Other Possible Causes for Test Anxiety
Learn about other concerns that could be making your test anxiety worse. These include learning disabilities, other mental health concerns, and poor study skills. These issues should be addressed and, in turn, can reduce test anxiety.
Action Item: Download and review the summary document "Other Possible Causes for Test Anxiety". Address any of these concerns if they apply to you.
28Closing and References
Drs. Aranda and Mihelic thank you for allowing them to join you in your journey with test anxiety. Should you need additional support, it is recommended that you work with a counselor, advisor, or psychologist to further you in managing your test anxiety. Best of luck in all your future endeavors!
Action Item: We welcome your feedback at tacklingtestanxiety@gmail.com.