Short Selling: Learn To Sell Stocks Before The Fall
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Have You Ever Watched A Market Or Stock Come Tumbling Down For ‘No Reason’ At All?
Have You Ever Wished You Could Sell At The Top…Before The Market Turns Into A Ski-Slope, Dragging All Of Your Profits Down With It?
It’s Time You Learn How To Sell
Become A Professional Short-Seller Trading Stocks, Forex Or Commodities.
Even if you NEVER Sell Short, your trading education is NOT complete unless you know how to effectively SELL.
You are about to discover the one crucial market truth that every insider knows. Say goodbye to bear markets and corrections once and for all. Never again live in fear of the next market melt-down.
Once you understand the true nature of market behavior, you can stay ahead of the curve in just a few minutes a week.
How to know when to sell and when to SHORT
Short-selling market mechanics to improve long trading
Why follow-through is everything and how to master it
This course will introduce you to a whole new world of opportunity.
This strategy is effective in ANY market – Stocks, Forex, Commodities or any liquid ‘chartable’ security and time interval.
I designed this course for the experienced Stock, Option and Forex trader who understands basic market mechanics and technical fundamentals, and the experienced investor in search of a proven market-timing model to maximize long-term investment models.
The honest truth is that ‘public’ market participants do not understand market mechanics.
The retail investor or trader will never see the sell-off coming and will always wonder why prices rolled over like a ski-slope because they do not understand the true nature of price behavior.
After the selling begins in earnest it is usually too late to get out.
If You Know How To Sell, Why Not Sell SHORT?
This course takes you one step further and details how to set up your trading desk with all the tools you need to simplify your strategies and dramatically improve your returns with less effort.
When you finish the last lecture, you will be on your way to mastering short-selling as a long-term trading strategy.
And you will know if the market is setting up to continue the rally, or setting up to FALL.
If you are a trader struggling for consistency or an investor frustrated by poor returns with no way to manage risk, then SHORT SELLING is a must-have.
Why try to learn how to trade on your own?
Let a 20-year veteran of the trading game guide you step-by-step through the process.
Enroll NOW. And learn to sell BEFORE the fall.
1Introduction - Your Success Depends On The SELL Decision
Why Trading Success Depends On Your Ability To Effectively SELL
- A Confession from a professional seller
- Lesson from the trading floor
- Who is your instructor?
- Who should take this course?
- Why you must know how to sell even if you NEVER sell short
- The nature of selling
- Why do you sell?
- If you know how to sell...why not sell short?
- What you will learn in this course
- What to expect after training
- Performance guarantee
- Course objective
2Selling Context And Logic
Learn The Nature Of The Market And Timeless Market Mechanics That Every Seller Must Know
- The nature of markets
- The price-action footprint
- Reversals are NOT enough
- Technical Divergence
- Divergence analysis
- What a professional short-seller does
3Divergence: The Short-Selling Grail
Learn How To Define, Characterize And Calculate The Necessary Forms Of Technical Divergence
- Ancient wisdom
- Divergence defined
- Characterizing divergence
- Calculating Price Divergence
- Technical Divergence
- Signal-Line Mean-Divergence
- Long-Term Mean-Divergence
- Resolving Relative Divergence
- Resolving Technical Divergence
- The Momentum Rule of Stasis
- Creating structure
- A universal truth
4Setup Triggers
Learn The Price-Action Patterns, Technical Triggers And Logic For The Most Effective Short Setups
- Required technical tools
- High-Pivot determination
- Types of setup triggers
- High-Pivot Reversal logic
- Bounce Reversal logic
- Diverged Reversal logic
- Measuring divergence severity
- 2-Bar reversal patterns
- High-Pivot Reversal patterns
- Bounce Reversal patterns
- Price-Action Reversal patterns and logical operations
- Trigger structure
5Expert Setups
Learn How To Combine Setup Triggers, Contextual Conditions And Divergence To Create Low-Risk, High-Probability Short Setups
- Long-Short Trend Flow
- Setup triggers + context
- Contextual conditions
- The Window of Opportunity
- Technical Divergence Setups
- Momentum Divergence Setups
- Diverged Reversal Setups
6Study Module 1: Chart Examples - EXPERT SETUPS
Chart Examples For Setup Procedure Study
- Technical Divergence
- Momentum Divergence
- Diverged Reversals (Price-Divergence)
7Risk Control And Management
Learn How To Analyze Risk, Set Up Price-Action Entries, And Effectively Manage The Position To Maximize Profit
- Risk analysis
- Risk-based games
- Management Objective 1
- Management Objective 2
- Management Objective 3
- Management Objective 4
- The significance of follow-through
8Study Module 2: Chart Examples - RISK CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT
Chart Examples For Trade Management Study
- Support-level study
- Moving to Break-Even
- Divergence Resolution
- Sitting through the Window of Opportunity to achieve targets
9Effective Analysis
Learn How To Put Volatility In Your Favor, Determine Setups With The Greatest Technical Divergence, And Establish Context For Scanning And Analysis
- Analysis objectives
- Putting volatility in your favor
- High-Pivot divergence count
- Mean-Divergence for evaluating risk-reward
- The universal scan trigger
- Establishing context
- The analytical procedure
- A Quantitative Analysis Model
- Consistency focus
- My short setup structure
10Study Module 3: Chart Examples - EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS
Chart Examples For Effective Analysis Study
- Determining extreme Technical Divergence
- Divergence count procedure
- Reducing setup risk with confirmed High-Pivot levels
- Determining extreme Mean-Divergence
- Selecting qualified setups with the best reward/risk skew
11Effective Selling And Market Timing
Learn To Use Knowledge Of Expert Short Setups And Context To Forecast Market Corrections And Make Better Sell Decisions
- Effective selling
- High-Pivot Reversal exits
- Signal-Line Divergence exits
- Signal-Line Divergence metric
- Calculating MDR
- Market-timing tools
- Reversal reality
12Study Module 4: Chart Examples - EFFECTIVE SELLING + MARKET TIMING
Chart Examples For Effective Selling And Market Timing
- Selling Base-Breakouts before the fall
- Effective selling examples for maximizing long position gains
- Why selling AFTER the correction is usually too late
- Learn to monitor the broad market using Daily, Weekly and Monthly intervals
- Qualified REVERSAL patterns precede bear markets and corrections
13On-Screen Tutorial 1: Smart Layout Configuration + Chart Tools
Learn How To Quickly Configure An Efficient TC2000 Layout For Effective Scanning And Analysis
- Required chart tools
- Required chart tools
14On-Screen Tutorial 2: Quantitative Analysis Model + Watch List Configuration
Learn How To Properly Configure The QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS MODEL
- Effective SORTING
- Watchlist confiiguration
15TC2000 Scan And Script Logic (COPY+PASTE)
TC2000 Scan And Sort Scripts (COPY+PASTE for quick implementation)
17Why You MUST Know How To SELL
Where And When You SELL Makes ALL The Difference
- Long-Short Trend Flow
- The cost of ignorance
- The trailing stop fallacy
- Reversal reality
- Now you know!
- The trade plan
- Course Objective
18Watch Me Scan For Profitable Trades In LESS Than 3 Minutes
Watch As I Perform A Quick Scan To Find Short SETUPS In LESS Than 3 Minutes
- Sorting trade candidates using Quantitative Analysis
- How to keep watch lists manageable
- A random sort of the ENTIRE U.S. domestic stock market in 2 minutes!
- 3 setups, 3 winners, 3 days