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Nursing Assistant Program Module 1

Compare long term care to other healthcare settings, Describe the Nursing Assistant's Role, Describe the care team
91 Students enrolled
30 reviews
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In this module we will compare the Long Term Care facility to other healthcare settings. We will describe a typical Long term care facility. We will describe the NA’s role. We will describe the care team and chain of command. We will also talk about policies, procedures and professionalism. We will talk about ethics, laws, Ombudsman and Resident’s Rights. We will discuss HIPAA , MDS, Incident report and how to document accurately.

CNAs are the trained professionals providing the most direct patient care in long term care facilities. You are often responsible for feeding, bathing, talking to, sitting with, and caring for other people’s loved ones. CNA job duties are physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding, and it takes a very particular combination of kindness, patience, and intelligence to do the job well.

The role of certified nursing assistants in long term care facilities is to provide basic daily care for the residents, preserving dignity and monitoring for any changes or concerns in their physical or mental state in the process. While doctors and nurses oversee the majority of the medical care of the residents, CNAs are their eyes and ears, using their intimate knowledge of the patients’ day-to-day norms to pick up on any subtle changes and often being the first to spot any concerns.

There are varying levels of care needed by long term care residents, but common needs include bathing, dressing, brushing teeth, combing hair, assisting with toileting and changing soiled linens, feeding, assisting with ambulation and position changes, and providing companionship and preventing the negative effects of loneliness. Assessment skills are necessary for tracking skin integrity, breathing and circulatory patterns, cognition, movement, and vital signs, and the ability to pick up on any changes (particularly subtle or rapid ones) is paramount.

While completing any of these tasks, it is incredibly important to remember that these residents are individuals with histories, and that, in most cases, they used to be young and able-bodied with intelligence, passions, and drive just like you; therefore, preserving their identities and dignity is just as important as the daily checklist of care tasks.

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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
30 reviews
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Course details
Lectures 5
Quizzes 1
Video 1 hours
Certificate of Completion


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Nursing Assistant Program Module 1
30 reviews
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