Nonprofit Grant Writing From a Team Who has Raised Funds
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Imagine having an exciting career that gives you the opportunity to love what you are doing while making the world a better place. Working in a nonprofit is incredibly rewarding and think of all the lives that you can impact !!
Do you feel inspired to use your passion to help others? Would you like to change the lives of others?
In this Nonprofit Fundraising and Grant writing course, we take the financial side and make it fun and easy.
You have BIG DREAMS – and we want to help you get there.
There are about 1.8 million active nonprofit organizations in the United States. These include all sorts of nonprofits, not just 501(c)(3) charities. When people ask how many nonprofits are in the US, oftentimes they are referring to charities, versus nonprofits as a whole. For example, they don’t want to include country clubs or labor unions. To narrow down to just charities, we only look at 501(c)(3) nonprofits that can receive tax-decuctible donations, and exclude hospitals and universities (because people often colloquially don’t refer to them as charities). There are 1.4 million active charities in the United States. (source Cause IQ)
From nonprofit basics to free and low-cost tools to get you started, to where to find funding – We have you COVERED.
Learn from people who have raised FUNDS across the USA for all kinds of nonprofits.
Modules –
Introduction to Nonprofit Fundraising
Nonprofit Funding – All the Sources
How to Get your Board and Team Involved
What is a Letter of Inquiry and How to Write One
Grant Writing – Step by Step
How to Create a Nonprofit Budget
Free and Low-Cost Tools for your Nonprofit
Wrap-up and Next Steps
Join us for an engaging look at Nonprofit Fundraising with Step by Step -how-to guides.
2Sponsor and Grant Writing Overview
Fundraising is not just asking for donations. This is one aspect of nonprofit development, but the overall fundraising landscape is quite varied.
Nonprofits can fund their work with sponsorships, grants, individual giving, events, fee-for-service, and more. This is good news because having multiple streams of revenue protects nonprofits in cases where one fundraising source falls through.
This module provides a walkthrough of SPONSORs and GRANTs.
3Online Fundraising and Peer to Peer Fundraising
Individual Donors make up 72% of charitable contributions. These gifts can be very small, very large, or in between, and they come in several varieties.
BONUS - Successful - Event Planning Checklist.
6Free and Low Cost Tool List
As a non-profit, you want to continue to attract donors, volunteers, and supporters.
Keeping an online presence can be expensive both in terms of time and money and that is a problem because most non-profit organizations can’t afford it.
Selecting the right tools is not easy because there are so many options. However, there are lots of free tools available in the market that you can use for your non-profit. Here, you can find a list of tools that can help you to increase your web-based presence.
7Free and Low Cost Tools Part 2
Free and Low Cost Resouces - Continued.
8Grants - Part 1
The Basics of a Nonprofit Grant - all the SECTIONs.
This module will focus on -
Eligibility Quiz,
The Application,
Organizational Basics,
The Need Statement,
Target Audience,
and Funding - Amount Requested.
9Nonprofit Grants - Part 2
This section drills down on the remaining sections in a Grant application.
Measuring Success
Partnerships and
Financial Records
10Nonprofit Budgeting - Part 1
If you are starting a nonprofit organization, what are some costs or expenses that you might expect for the first year or two of your operations?
There are just a couple of things that you really need to know to account for when you are planning what it is going to cost you to start and grow a nonprofit from scratch. Let's get into these costs and expenses.
This is also a great tool for existing nonprofits that want to review each component of their budget to make sure that they are on track.
Fundraising and
11Nonprofit Budgeting Part 2
In the next section, the following costs and expenses are what I would call good investments.
These are the things that if you can afford to figure out how to pay for these things earlier on, your organization will grow much faster, and you will be able to grow your impact and potentially have staff it depends on what you need. But you're definitely going to be able to scale faster if you make investments in -
Accounting / CPA
Fundraising Costs
Volunteer Management
Email Software
Your first hire could be ......