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MBA ASAP Corporate Finance Fundamentals for Career Success

Tools of Financial Analysis, Valuation, Investing, Money Management, and Decision Making. DCF,NPV, IRR & more
John Cousins
22,848 Students enrolled
10421 reviews
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Updated with Python coding exercises!

Incorporating Python into finance education equips students with a practical skill set that complements their theoretical knowledge, making them well-rounded professionals ready to tackle modern financial challenges.

Online education is an investment, not an expense. Invest in yourself.  

If you want to get further than you’ve ever gone before you need to be willing to learn like never before.

personal and professional development. One habit I picked up from my rich colleagues — or perhaps I had it all along, but they incentivized it — is to constantly explore ways to gain new skills, or strengthen existing skills.

Adapt, innovate, and acquire new skills to thrive in an increasingly competitive and technologically driven world.

The measure of self-motivation in a person is the best predictor of upward mobility.

Helping others to solve the puzzle. Finance is a tool. I’ll give you the hammer, you decide where to drive the nail.

I take complex ideas and make them simple enough for a 5th grader to understand.

For the first time, those who can educate and motivate themselves will be almost entirely free to invent their own work and realize the full benefits of their own productivity.

Everyone should learn at least one new skill every year, otherwise you’re going backwards.

Skill Stack = Net Worth

Investor’s Edge: This course also sharpens your investing acumen, enabling you to make informed decisions by understanding the intricate ties between market dynamics and corporate health. It’s an approach designed for managers and those looking to become savvy investors, providing the knowledge to assess potential, risk, and reward with the insight of a seasoned financial strategist.

I have added lots of quick quizzes to test your comprehension along the way.

Practice with struggle > practice without struggle.

An example is a study of two groups of students. Group A studied a paper for 4 days. Group B studied it for 1 day and was tested on it for 3 days.

At the final test, Group B scored 50% more than Group A.

With every test, group B struggled. And that targeted struggle made them acquire more knowledge in the same amount of time.

This is about self motivation and the measure of self-motivation in a person is the best predictor of upward mobility. Congratulations you have it.

‘Nuff said. Let’s get started!

Testimonial from recent student:

The MBA ASAP Corporate Finance Fundamentals course sets you up for success. I have been working in the financial services industry for 2+ years and this really helped me understand the things I don’t encounter on the day to day (but should know about). This is a fantastic course to understand the fundamentals of finance. John is an engaging presenter; he speaks encouragingly to the viewer/student and observing him in a classroom setting makes this learning feel like hybrid. A very engaging course, which I will be recommending to my colleagues! Thank you, John!

I was looking for a whole overview course as opposed to the shorter more specialized learnings. I am delighted I chose your course! Hopefully many students will decide to take this course!

Thanks again for everything John! Best of luck with all your future students, they will benefit from this course!

– Kim

“The first half of my life I went to school. The second half of my life I got an education” — Mark Twain

Don’t let lack of financial intelligence stop you from getting ahead.

“It is a 5-star course by any means. Contents, way of communication and pace is so much easy that even Non Finance guys can understand easily.”   Asad

Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs (and other non-financial types)

Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!

This is the course you pick when you don’t want to waste your time and want the best.

Learn how to raise money and invest it wisely. Learn how to analyze and value companies and income producing assets. Make better business decisions and support them with financial analysis and rationale.    

This course includes the eBook version of MBA ASAP Corporate Finance, voted best Corporate Finance book of all time by BookAuthority.

Corporate Finance is the Tools and Techniques of how Companies Make Decisions about what Projects to Pursue, and how to Value those Projects.


  • Time Value of Money  

  • Present Value and Future Value  

  • Net Present Value  

  • Internal Rate of Return   


Ever wonder how the top executives at your company got there and what they think about?

This course provides a framework for how financial professionals make decisions about how, when, and where to invest money. Corporate Finance comprises a set of skills that interact with all the aspects of running a business. It is also extremely helpful in our personal lives when making decisions about buying or leasing, borrowing money, and making big purchases. It provides analytic tools to think about getting, spending, and saving.

The tax law is a series of incentives for entrepreneurs and investors.

The tax laws favor entrepreneurs and investors. That’s because entrepreneurs and investors generally put money into the economy to produce rather than consume.

But, paying taxes is less expensive than failing at business. Be sure to get educated before you begin.

Start acting like an entrepreneur or an investor. That means the first thing you need to do is to increase your financial intelligence by investing in financial education.

Content and Overview       

We will explore the time value of money and develop a set of tools for making good financial decisions, tools like Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return.  We will explore the trade off between risk and return, and how to value income producing assets.       

Valuation of companies and assets can seem mysterious. Where do you even begin? How can you value a startup that doesn’t even have any revenues yet? You will gain confidence in your knowledge and understanding of these concepts.   

The tools of corporate finance will help you as a manager or business owner to evaluate performance and make smart decisions about the value of opportunities and which to pursue.  An understanding of Corporate Finance is essential for the professional manager in order to meaningfully discuss issues with colleagues and upper management. You need to be versed in this subject in order to climb any corporate ladder. Get started understanding corporate finance today.        

This course is based on my best selling book MBA ASAP Understanding Corporate Finance. Here are some reviews:   

I am a big fan of your books, which make all these difficult topics really easy to understand. This is excellent work.   Adnan   

After reading John Cousins’ book I was finally able to understand a subject that has been, for me, very foreign and intimidating. He makes the topic of corporate finance accessible to people like me who need the knowledge but easily get lost “in the weeds”. Clear and very easy to digest and apply!  Lizabeth   


Having read the ’10 minutes to understanding Corporate Finance’ I can honestly say that it comprises a well-structured and straightforward presentation of the core elements of corporate finance. Nikolaos


· What Is an Asset?

· Profit

· Profit Margin

· Valuation

· Cash Flow Statement

· Income Statement

· Balance Sheet

· Financial Ratios

· Cost-Benefit Analysis

· Lifetime Value

· Overhead

· Costs: Fixed and Variable

· Breakeven

· Amortization

· Depreciation

· Time Value of Money

· Compounding

· Leverage

· Bootstrapping

· Return on Investment (ROI)

· Sunk Costs

· Internal Controls

And much, much more!   

Knowing finance is power.

Perhaps the most fundamental atomic unit of business is the asset. Understanding what an asset is, why it matters, and why investors paradoxically like asset-light businesses is critical to career success. This is the way I wish I was taught finance!

I encourage you to take this course. But if you decide not to, please take another class, or read a book.

To know what you don’t know is power. To ask and learn what you don’t know is a superpower.

Investing in learning makes you better at earning.

Accounting and Bookkeeping Review
Financial Statements
Financial Statement Interconnection and Flow
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statements and Financial Reporting
The Time Value of Money
WACC: Weighted Average Cost of Capital
FCF Free Cash Flow
Net Present Value
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
10421 reviews
Stars 5
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Stars 1
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Course details
Lectures 34
Quizzes 1
Video 19 hours
Certificate of Completion


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
MBA ASAP Corporate Finance Fundamentals for Career Success
10421 reviews
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