Management Consulting Cases for Job Interview
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What is the aim of this course?
Getting into consulting is one of the most difficult tasks. It’s not only very selective but also quite a tough and long recruitment process. You will have at least 5 job interviews, spend on average 2-3 months in the recruiting process and your chances of succeeding will be around 5-10%. I will help you significantly boost the odds in your favor.
This course will help you prepare for the cases that you will be asked to solve during the job interviews with consultants. I will improve your knowledge and skills in analysis through a series of practical cases. It is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, and B2B sectors that I worked for. I have participated in over 200 recruitments and the materials in this course will encompass all the tricks that you should use during the interview. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 business analysts who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members, etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 224 000 students including people working in EY, McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Deloitte, Dell, Adidas, Naspers, Walgreens, and many others.
I teach through cases so most of the lectures will be case studies showing some business problems that you have to solve during the interview. Those cases are based on real-life examples. For every case study that I described in this course, you will find extensive answers showing you how you should approach the problem. For every lecture, you will also find attached additional resources. Thanks to this, as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made materials that will help you not only during the recruitment process but also in your first year as a business analyst / junior consultant.
Why did I decide to create this course?
During the interviews that I have taken part in, I have noticed that even smart students don’t know how to approach some things in a structured and coherent manner. Sometimes they overcomplicate things. On other occasions, they give up on answering without even trying. I have tested on my people that most of the things that you have to do during interviews organized by consulting companies can be mastered and they will benefit you not only during the recruitment process but also in your work life no matter what you do. Learn from this course and apply it also in real life.
In what way will you benefit from this course?
The course is a practical, step-by-step guide loaded with tons of cases, tricks, and hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you go through the cases during the interview. You will learn also how to give better, more structured, well-thought-out answers. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. My intention is that thanks to the course you will know:
How to approach any type of cases that you may come across in the job interview?
How to apply the most useful concepts and methods used later by consultants in their work?
How to be efficient during the interview?
How do the consultant minds work?
You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.
How the course is organized?
The course is divided currently into the following sections:
Introduction. We begin with a little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of a consultant, or business analyst – what skills, education, and knowledge are required from you and what are the available career paths for you
Recruitment. In the second section, we briefly go through what the recruitment process looks like, what are your chances of success and what you should pay attention to. I will also show you alternative ways to get into consulting (apart from the regular recruitment process)
Useful techniques. In the next section, I will introduce you to techniques you should master to have a higher chance of being successful during the interviews. You will learn what are: bottom-up approach, top-down approach, backward reasoning, cost drivers, compound effect, opportunity tree, lean manufacturing, bottlenecks, OEE
Market size estimation. In section 4, we will start with cases. Here you will learn everything about estimating the market. I will use cases from the TV set market, the ceramic tiles market, and the kids’ ware market
Sales and marketing cases. In section 5, I will show you want kinds of cases relating to marketing and sales you may get during the interview. There will be examples from FMCG, retailers, and service companies.
Strategy cases. In the next section, I will discuss strategy-related cases that you may be asked to solve. I will show you how to determine the driving factors in the performance of cinemas as well as marketplaces. You will also have to guess the business model of IKEA and come up with a business model for self-driving, autonomous cars.
Math/Logical quizzes. The next types of cases that you will be getting during interviews are logical, math quizzes requiring some basic math knowledge and logical thinking. I will show you in this section some examples of such cases
Operations cases. During the interview, you may come across consultants who specialize in operations. In this section, I will show you some examples of such cases.
You will be able also to download many additional resources
Excels with some of the analyses shown in the course
Presentation of slides shown in the course
Links to additional presentations and movies
Links to books worth reading
At the end of my course, students will be able to…
Understand the main challenges in analyzing different aspects of sales, marketing, and operations that you may come across during your job interviews
Solve most of the cases that you will come across during the interview
Perform the simplified analyses in a very effective manner
Who should take this course? Who should not?
People trying to get a job in consulting
Students of Business Schools
Business Analysts
What will students need to know or do before starting this course?
Basic knowledge of economics or finance
We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of a consultant, business analyst – what skills, education, knowledge is required from you and what are the available career paths for you
2About me
In this lecture I will tell briefly about my experience and what I currently do
3Ideal consultant
In this lecture I show who we mean by ideal consultants, what you have to know, where consultants are usually recruited from and what kind of characteristics you are supposed to have
4What to do if a blurry image appears
Here I will show you what to do if a blurry image appears
5How to find additional resources
Here I will show you how to find additional resources attached to the coruse like Excel files, presentations, links etc.
6How does the recruitment process look like?
In this lecture I will show you briefly how the recruitment process to consulting looks like and what kind of hurdles you have to overcome. I will also give some info on the probabilities of getting into consultants
7Important items in the CV
To be invited to the interviews your CV has to stand out among the see of others. In this lecture I will show what types of elements make your CV stand out
8Example of a good CV
We are getting a lot of questions about a CV. Therefore, we have prepared a good example of a CV. It is based on one of the best CVs that I have seen. We have hired the person and he was extremely good. He worked for us for 6 months. After that, he moved to Private Equity.
I hope this CV will help you. It covers almost all the points we have mentioned in the previous lecture.
Best regards
9Type of questions and tasks you can get
I will make an overview of the type of questions / tasks you can get during the interview. In next lectures we will go in details
10Alternative ways to get into consulting
Formal recruitment process is not the only way to get into consulting. There are other, less formal methods that you can use
11Useful Methods – Introduction
12Bottom-up approach
In this lecture you will get to know our favorite method for first rough estimation – the bottom-up method. We give you also 2 examples with Excel calculation how to use it.
13Top down approach
Top-down is the little brother of bottom-up approach – not used that often but still very useful for re-segmenting the market (niche an low cost strategy)
14Backward logic
In this lecture I show the backward thinking /induction. This approach enables you to design the whole process, company on the bases of the expected outcome
15Compounded effect
In many cases you can get high end result from compounding effect in time or by getting small improvements in many areas. In this lecture I will explain the concept
16Issue tree
Issue tree is a simple yet powerful concept used in consulting for structuring discussion and picking the right topics to concentrate on. In this lecture I will show you the principles of using it as well as a practical example
17Examples of Issue Trees
In the next 3 lecture we will discuss examples of issue trees
18Issue tree – Logistics
We will look at an example of an issue tree from logistics
19Issue tree – Retail
We will look at an example of an issue tree from retail
20Issue tree – FMCG
We will look at an example of an issue tree from FMCG
21Opportunity Tree
Here I will show you the so callled opportunity tree that can be used to generate new ideas
22Cost drivers
If you want to understand well a business you have to be able to identify the cost drivers that shape the business model. In this lecture I will show you how to do that
In this lecture I will discuss the role of external and internal benchmarks. They are a powerful help in business and will help you boost your productivity yet have to be used with caution. At the end I will apply them in an example to show you the difference in outcomes.
2480/20 rule in practice
In this lecture I will show you how to use in practice 80/20 rule also known as Pareto principal
In every company you have bottlenecks that limit your ability to go forward and deliver more goods and services. Here I will show you how to estimate what is the impact for the whole system and how you can remove improve them. I will use simple production example to show you the effect on the whole system. You will see how the bottleneck can shift from 1 shift to another. You will also learn how to prioritize where it make sense to invest to get the best results.
Before doing this lecture I strongly encourage you first to take the OEE lecture – we use the OEE concept here so if you are not familiar with it please start with OEE lecture as a warm-up.
26Market size estimation - Introduction
In section 4 we will start with cases. Here you will learn everything around estimating the market. I will use cases of: the TV set market, the ceramic tiles market and kids’ ware market
27TV market - case to be solved
In this lecture you have to estimate what is the market for TVs in a specific market, what are the cost drivers. Imagine that you were asked to estimate the market for TV sets. Ask yourself 3 questions:
- What is meant here by “the market”? Annual sales or total ownership?
- Do you want the market estimation to be in volumes or in values?
- What is included in the TV sets (i.e. monitors are in or not)?
28TV market – solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
29Tile market - case to be solved
Imagine that you were asked to estimate the market for ceramic tiles. You have to ask yourself the following questions:
- What is meant here by “the market”? Annual sales or total ownership?
- Do you want the market estimation to be in volumes or in values?
- What is included in market? Should we include B2C or also B2B?
- Are we talking about just ceramic tiles or other connected products
30Tile market - case solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
31Kids wear market - case to be solved
Imagine that you were asked to estimate the kid’s ware market
- What do you mean by kids?
- What products do you have in mind (i.e. toys, pampers,t-shirts)?
- Do you want the market to be estimated in volumes or in values?
32Kids wear market - case solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
33How many cows there are – Problem
Imagine that you were asked to estimate the number of cows in your country. In this case I we will try to do exactly this.
34How many cows there are – Solution 1
In this lecture we will solve the previously introduced case study
35How many cows there are – Solution 2
In this lecture we will solve the previously introduced case study
36Sales and marketing cases - introduction
In this section I will show you want kind of cases relating to marketing and sales you may get during the interview. There will be examples from FMCG, retailers and service companies.
37Sales channels comparison - Problem
Imagine that as a consultant you were asked to analyze your client situation- FMCG producer that is using different channels of distribution. How would you check whether his using the right mix channels
38Sales channels comparison - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
39Potential for growth - retailer - Problem
If you work for a retailer one of the most useful analysis is to check whether there is still potential to growth and how big it is. In this lecture I will show you 2 ways in which you can estimate how many shops you can open in a specific location, city, province. One approach will be concentrated solely on the number of shops whereas the second one will also take into account the size of shops
40Potential for growth - retailer - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
41Efficiency of sales and marketing activities in consulting firm - Problem
Imagine that our consulting company is using 4 ways to acquire customers. Try to find the most efficient ways of acquiring customers? How would you do it
42Efficiency of sales and marketing activities in consulting firm - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
43Freemium vs Free Trial vs Free – Problem
Imagine that you have to decide what kind of model to pick for the SaaS business: Freemium, Free, Free Trial. In this case study, you will have to decide when each and every tactic makes sense.
44Freemium vs Free Trial vs Free – Examples of SaaS businesses
Here I will show you some examples of SaaS business models using often freemium, free, and free trial.
45Freemium vs Free Trial vs Free – Solution – Part 1
In this lecture, we will solve the previously introduced case study.
46Freemium vs Free Trial vs Free – Solution – Part 2
In this lecture, we will solve the previously introduced case study.
47Pricing in multichannel surrounding - Problem
Imagine that you have a chain of physical stores and on-line store. What pricing would you use? How you would come up with the right pricing?
48Pricing in multichannel surrounding - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
49How to expand strong brand in Retail - Problem?
Imagine that you are a Retailers with 10 stores and very strong brand that are selling toys. How would you grow the business?
50How to expand strong brand in Retail - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
51Sales increase in cosmetics – Problem
Imagine that you are working for a cosmetics producers. And you have to increase his sales
52Sales increase in cosmetics – Solution
In this lecture we will solve the previously introduced case study
53Overview of segmentation methods
On market segmentation
54Increasing the profitability – Introduction
In this secction I will show you case studies where you have to find ways to improve the profitability of a business
55Increasing sales framework – Consumer Goods
Here I will show you the general framework for increasing sales in FMCG
56Increasing sales framework – Retail & B2C Services
Here I will show you the general framework for increasing sales in retail.
57Cost reduction framework
Here I will show you the general framework for decreasing the costs in retail
58Increasing margins framework – Retail & B2C Services
Here I will show you the general framework for increasing the margin in retail
59How to increase the profitability for cosmetics producer – Problem
Imagine that you are working for a cosmetics producer. And you have to increase his profitability.
60How to increase the profitability for cosmetics producer – Sales Increase
In this lecture, we will solve the previously introduced case study
61How to increase the profitability for cosmetics producer – Cost Reduction
In this lecture we will solve the previously introduced case study
62How to increase the profitability of a retail chain – Problem
Imagine that you are working for a fashion discounter that operates a retail chain in Eastern Europe. In this lecture we will find ways to increase the profitability
63How to increase the profitability of a retail chain – Solution – Sales Increase
In this lecture, we will solve the previously introduced case study
64How to increase the profitability of a retail chain – Solution – Cost Reduction
In this lecture, we will solve the previously introduced case study
65Strategy cases – Introduction
In the next section I will discuss strategy related cases that you may be asked to solve. I will show you how to determine the driving factors in the performance of cinemas as well as marketplaces.
66KPIs and business drivers – Introduction
Key Performance Indicators are extremely important to understand and manage a business. In this lecture, I will show you how this is achieved. In the next lectures I will show You using an example of a cinema company how to apply KPIs in practices
67KPIs for cinema - Problem
Imagine that you were responsible for managing the cinema. What KPIs metrics you would look at to see whether you are doing a good job?
68KPIs for cinema - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
69Cinema City - example of what Cinema could do
Cinema City has used number of techniques to sell the unused space.In this lecture I will show you some examples
70KPIs for marketplace - Problem
Imagine that you were responsible for managing a marketplace for patients and doctors (i.e. Docplanner). What KPIs you would look at
71KPIs for marketplace - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
72KPIs for SaaS – Problem
Imagine that you are responsible for managing a SaaS offering mailing What KPIs you would look at?
73Examples of SaaS businesses
Here I will show you some examples of SaaS businesses
74KPIs for SaaS – Solution
In this lecture we will solve the previously introduced case study
75What is the business model of IKEA - Problem
IKEA is a well know brand selling furniture. On what do you think they make their money?
76What is the business model of IKEA - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
77What could be the business model for Google Car - Problem
Tell us what could be the business model for self driving car using canva model
78What could be the business model for Google Car - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
79Marketplace multicountry strategy – Problem
Imagine that you were responsible for managing a marketplace for patients and doctors (i.e. Docplanner). You are present in Poland and now you want to expand into other countries
80Marketplace multicountry strategy – Solution
In this lecture we will solve the previously introduced case study
81Why a niche strategy makes sense - Problem?
Niche strategy is widely used by many companies. Explain why and what kind of niches you can have
82Why a niche strategy makes sense - Solution
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
83How to scale up a business – best practices from top firms