Kindle Secrets: How I Wrote a Best Selling eBook In 72 hours
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MY BOOK RESULTS UPDATE: The weight loss book I create with you inside this course with you has now become an Amazon Kindle Bestseller in 6 different categories and has made over $3730 in it’s first 30 days!!!
Do you want an extra $10,000 of passive income this year?
Do you want to become an Amazon Best Selling Author?
Best of all… Do you want to accomplish this in just 72 hours?
Ummm yeah!?…
Then you are in the perfect place!
You have found the ultimate guide revealing the simplest, and quickest strategies to becoming a best seller, and making an extra $10,000 over the next 12 months!
Within this video course I reveal to you the exact proven step-by-step blueprint that I, and many other successful authors have used to create $10,000 Best Selling Amazon Kindle eBooks in only 72 hours.
Start making money immediately with no financial outlay, and zero experience needed!
Not only will I show you exactly how to set up this new passive income that pays you while you sleep… you can use this exact method to copy my success of becoming an ‘Amazon #1 Best Seller’ Imagine adding this to your resume! (It’s easier than you think…)
So Let’s create a book together 🙂
The great thing about this video course is that I literally take you by the hand, and walk you through the entire process step-by-step by demonstrating each stage by creating a brand new eBook from scratch! Everything is shown as I put this book together, and list it on Amazon Kindle nothing is held back!
The Exact Secrets I Reveal in this Comprehensive Video Course:
- See exactly how to research and pick a successful niche!
- Discover how to leverage your competitors success!
- Learn what 3 elements make up the best selling book titles!
- Learn how to create or outsource the perfect eBook cover!
- Learn how to create an ‘Ideastorm’ and ‘Content skeleton’ that forms the foundational structure of your best selling ebook!
- The complete checklist for optimising the inside of your book for more sales!
- See a walkthrough of how to edit and format your book suitable for Kindle!
- The smartest way to enlist your ebook on KDP backend for success!
- No outlay or expenses are necessary and nothing is hidden!
- At the end of the 72 hours you will have a professional eBook listed on Amazon and it will be making you up to $10 000+ in passive profits.
Grab This Course Now and See Exactly Why I Have Been So Successful On Kindle!
After my previous success on the Amazon store people have constantly been asking me how I did it! If I am being honest it was quite simple… I used the amazing advice from best selling writers, and people much smarter than myself. I started doing some research myself and spent a endless hours analysing writing systems and methods that the most financially successful authors are all using to write books. Once I used this method and saw phenomenal results with my books I decided to put together this ultimate video course that reveals ALL of these secrets and strategies for you to achieve the same results!
I know what you’re thinking…
This sounds too good to be true…
It’s not!
Amazon Kindle is now identical to the opportunity that Google presented in the early 2000’s! Amazon get more traffic than Google did back then, but the only difference now is that unlike google people on Amazon are only looking to buy! Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
My amazon sales dashboard (which I show inside the video course), and the thousands of students who have already taken and loved my course reveal just how simple creating your $10,000 ebook can be.
Get your book written and let Amazon do the work for you! No shipping, and no hassles, You can literally get started today with $0 and zero experience!
This video course is of course covered under Udemy’s unconditional 30 day 100% money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied in any way! That means that this is a RISK FREE investment in your financial, and professional future. How come you have not signed up yet?
Once you know the secrets… These strategies are really very simple, and only require a little bit of hustle and a little bit of brains… but let’s be honest – we both know you can knock these ebook writing secrets out of the park!
Whether you are a stay at home mom, a young entrepreneur, or a professional looking to expand their resume and income stream at the same time… this course is perfect for you!
Scroll up the page and join my course now to start our $10K eBook’s together now!
See you on the inside 🙂 I am excited to get you to see the same success that I have had with Amazon Kindle.
– Benji
1WELCOME! It's hard to believe just how SIMPLE creating your own BESTSELLER is!
Welcome and introduction text to the Bestseller course!
2A Birds Eye Overview of Our Best Seller Journey
A visual representation of the steps we will be taking to go from A --> Z when creating your Bestseller!
3Getting the Most Out of this Course.
4An Introduction to Amazon Kindle and its INCREDIBLE Potential
- A quick introduction to module one of our Best Seller Kindle course :)
- A quick and meaningful introduction to the Kindle store highlighting the elements of the store that actually matter.
- A breakdown of how much money you can earn on kindle
5Identifying your most profitible niche
Making sure that YOU pick the most profitable niche on Kindle that requires the least amount of effort to put together a high quality book.
What is the Rank for our Kindle book in order to achieve our 10k Goal?
7Introduction to Module 2
Introduction and contents of the second module!
8Shattering all of your misconceptions
Shattering all of your misconceptions about Kindle that are holding you back from writing a book
9Learn from the Best-Sellers in your niche
Replicating the best characteristics of the Best selling book on Amazon.
10Introduction to module 3
What we are going to be covering in module 3 - Planning our eBook!
11Perfecting your title
How to perfect your title and find a balance between the marketing and functional search characteristics.
12Perfecting your cover
Creating an appealing and professional cover for your eBook! Outsource it or create it yourself with these strategies.
13Checklist for you Book's External Characteristics
Checklist for your books Title, Subtitle and Cover
14Creating an Ideastorm
Putting every single piece of your knowledge, research, information, pictures and ideas into a single place to then work from.
15Creating an Ideastorm (continued...)
Putting every single piece of your knowledge, research, information, pictures and ideas into a single place to then work from. (Part 2 continued...)
16Progressing to a Content Skeleton
Creating the foundational structure to organise all of the content for your eBook into a professional ebook.
17Introduction to module 4
A quick introduction to the topics we will be covering in Module 4
18Creating an Introduction and Conclusion
This lecture details how to add an appealing introduction and conclusion to your ebook to help frame it, clarify it in your own mind, and round out your entire book
19Optimizing for sales
How to make sure the insides of our books are also optimized to attract the most sales as possible
20Bringing it together
Here we are taking our Idea storm and content skeleton and begin combining them into our final product
21Create a narrative
How to personalise your book and tie the entire thing together by adding a story narrative from start to finish
22Introduction to module 5
An introduction into the topics and concepts we will be covering in this module.
23Edit and Polish our Kindle book
The moment we have all been waiting for over the last 72 hours! Creating our final product.
24Format your book for Kindle
How to format our kindle books (or outsource this task) using the Amazon Kindle requirements
25The Most Helpful Piece of Advice I can Give You...
26Introduction to module 6
A quick introduction to the topics we will be covering in the final module! Module 6!
27Listing our New Kindle eBook and optimizing for sales part I
How to list and optimize our new Kindle book on the Amazon KDP platform Part one
28Listing and optimizing our listing for sales part II
How to list and optimize our new Kindle book on the Amazon KDP platform
29Introduction to Marketing our Book
The exciting stuff - The theory behind how to maximise visibility and sales
30Using KDP Free select program to skyrocket your profits
The secret sauce to becoming a BEST SELLER!
31Kindle Category Conqueror (The Complete Best Seller Marketing Guide)
Full 74 Page PDF Guide to Marketing your eBook on Amazon Kindle
32The Kindle Search VS Kindle Category Mistake that everyone makes
How not to fall into the common mistake of optimizing your book for search.
33The Amazon Sales Success Cycle
The Success Cycles of Amazon Kindle, and how to take advantage of it.
34Research your Perfect Kindle Category
Making sure you pick the PERFECT category for your eBook
35Finding + Posting Effectively in Relevant Subs
leveraging one of the biggest websites in the world to drive downloads to your eBook.
36The Most Important Thing For You To Do!!!
If you can take away 1 thing from this Kindle marketing section please make it this! It is super critical in the success of your eBook.
37Amazon Kindle SEO - How to Rank #1 for your Book's Search Term
Whatever your book is about this comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to rank between #1 and #3 for your keywords (even if it is super competitive.) The information in this book will significantly increase your book rank on Amazon Kindle.
39Module 1 Slides and Resources
Powerpoint slides
40Module 2 Slides and Resources
Powerpoint slides
41Module 3 Slides and Resources
Powerpoint slides
42Module 4 Slides and Resources
Powerpoint slides
43Module 5 Slides and Resources
Powerpoint slides
44Module 6 Slides and Resources
Powerpoint slides