Intro to Entrepreneurship: Get started as an Entrepreneur
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Starting your own business is scary. Really scary.
How do you know if your idea is any good? Or if your customers will ever show up?
How do you know… what you’re doing AT ALL?
There’s no place, degree, or university that can teach you how to become a successful Entrepreneur.
You just have to get out there and learn everything for yourself. One step at a time….
Entrepreneurship is not a mythical, illusive creature and it’s not a secret that’s hidden behind doors.
You CAN learn how to become a successful Entrepreneur and you CAN learn how to prepare yourself.
In this course, we’re going to do just that.
You’re going to learn everything you need to know about being an Entrepreneur, like:
The core concepts
How to think like an Entrepreneur
What you should care about and conversely ignore
How to go about gathering the resources you need to tackle your dream
And when you’re completely ready to go toe to toe with any “veteran” business owner out there, you’re going to learn something they wish they knew:
How to consistently come up with insightful, actionable business ideas
It’s everything you need to get started.
You’ll go from 0 to Entrepreneur in no time.
About the instructor:
Top rated Udemy Instructor with over 30,000 five star reviews.
Teaches 11 different courses on Entrepreneurship, with over 500,000 students enrolled.
All courses by the instructor have are rated an average of 4.97 out of 5 stars.
+ Worked as a VC and was in charge of deal flow in Silicon Valley. Oversaw investments in large companies like Facebook, LinkedIn, & Tesla.
+ Startup founder for 5 years, raised 3 rounds of capital worth several millions of dollars.
+ Currently Director of a Digital Agency that specializes in taking ideas from raw concept all the way to launch.
1Course Overview
2Join our community on Slack!
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- Pitch any ideas you have
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Details inside.
3Get matched to other Entrepreneurs using our companion app
4Review sheets, activities, resources - all in one PDF
5What is an entrepreneur?
6Myths about entrepreneurship
7Common personality traits
8The most important trait of all
9Age & Entrepreneurship
10ACTIVITY: Test your Entrepreneurial Aptitude
For section 2, we're going to have a fun activity. A lot of my students fret about whether or not they have the right "personality" to become an Entrepreneur. If you've been paying attention thoroughly in my lectures (you have, haven't you?) you know that personalities of all different types have started businesses. However, certain personalities naturally gravitate towards starting their own business while others have to create a more conscious effort.
Understanding your own personality and how you operate is a really helpful tool not just for this course but for your life in general. It can help you relate to other people, understand yourself better, and ultimately know what deficiencies you have with regards to being an Entrepreneur.
SO...... (*drum roll*)
We're going to take a PERSONALITY TEST.
Attached to this lecture is a worksheet with instructions on how to fill out the test.
If you haven't ever taken the Myers Briggs test before, this is your chance. It's by far the most popular form of personality testing, and for better or for worse, always a great discussion starter.
But here's the twist.
We're going to analyze your personality score through the lens of Entrepreneurship.
Ok, not a huge twist.
The way the test works is generally quite simple. You'll answer a series of questions and rate them on a scale of 1-10. Try your hardest to sit and think about each answer before you fill it out. It's also helpful to pick a time where you are feeling normal - not angry, stressed, or sleepy. These things generally will make you answer the questions differently.
You'll get a score in 4 different categories
As they related to Entrepreneurship, here they are:
1. Introversion vs Extroversion: Are you more at ease by yourself or with people? Do you draw energy from being with other people or by being with yourself
2. Sensing or Intuition: How do you process information as you're presented it? Do you take it bit by bit and literally? Or do you instinctively add judgement and context to information?
3. Thinking vs Feeling: How do you make decisions? Do you do it purely rationally or do you "feel" your decisions and use empathy?
4. Judging vs Perceiving: Do you make your decisions quickly and move on, or are you more likely to take your time and be ok with leaving your options open.
After you fill out the quiz and follow the worksheet, you'll have your score. In the second part of the worksheet, I've added an easy guide for thinking about personality types and which ones are ideal for being an Entrepreneur.
When you get your personality score, post in the group discussion! We'll talk about it.
11Test your understanding of entrepreneurs
12Section 2 review material
64Intro to Section 10
65The Fit quadrant: Hobbies & Passions
66The Fit quadrant: Skills & Experiences
67ACTIVITY: Hobbies, Passions, Skills, & Experience
68WORKSHEET: Hobbies, passions, skills, & experience
69ACTIVITY: List out your goals
70WORKSHEET: Fill out your goals
71The 3 business types: Pick yours
72How good does my idea have to be?
73The Eureka Myth
74Section 10 review material
75Making it fit