How to inject Botox- a course for Nurses, Doctors & Dentists
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How to inject Botox is a course for nurses, Doctors, dentists and allied health professionals who want to learn how to perform Botox injections.
The course contains videos explaining how Botox works, facial anatomy and a provides a safe and effective system for injecting.
Learn how to treat the three main cosmetic areas of the face – crows feet, forehead lines and frown lines with patient demonstrations.
To sign up for the course you must be legally allowed to perform Botox injections in your state and country.
Remember that you may be able to claim the cost of the course in your tax return as an educational item so enrol today!
Dr Jonathan Brown is a Cosmetic Physician in Melbourne and is Director of Cityskin Cosmetic Clinic.
A welcome message before starting the Botox course. Find out what the course entails.
2An Introduction by Dr Jonathan Brown, Cosmetic Physician
An introduction to "How to inject Botox", by Dr Jonathan Brown.
How to inject Botox is an online course for nurses, Doctors and dentists who are looking to learn how to inject Botox. The course will guide you through the essential points of Botox injecting with practical guidance on how to safely inject patients. Learn how to assess a patients facial movements to work out where to inject with Botox.
Key words: Botox course for nurses, Botox course for Doctors, How to learn Botox injections, Online Botox course
3Why pursue a career in cosmetic injecting?
Explore the benefits of working in aesthetic medicine. This will help you to understand your motivation for becoming a Botox specialist.
4The history of botulinum toxin
In this lecture, learn how Botox was initially used in medical treatments and how it became the most common injectable cosmetic procedure in the world.
Key points covered: The history of Botox in medical use, the history of Botox in cosmetic medicine, common areas that Botox can treat.
6Test discsussion/recap
Recap the main learning points from the test
7How does Botox work?
In this video, learn about the neuromuscular junction and the role of acetylcholine in making the muscle contract. Understand how Botox affects acetylcholine to prevent muscles moving.
Key points covered: How does Botox work? How long does it take for Botox to take effect? Is Botox permanent?
10Test discussion/recap
11How to reconstitute a 100 unit vial of Botox
In this video learn how to reconstitute a 100 unit vial of Botox.
Equipment needed:
- Pair of forceps or long nose pliers
- 100 unit vial of Botox
- 5 or 10mlof sterile normal saline
- 21 or 23g needle
- 3ml sterile syringe
12Tips on reconstituting a vial of Botox
Dr Brown shares some practical tips on Botox recontitution
13How to draw up Botox into a needle. Not as easy as you might think!
After this lecture you should be able to draw up Botox from the vial into a 31g insulin needle ready for use.
15Wrinkles- how are they formed and which areas do patients commonly have treated?
In this lecture, learn how and why we form wrinkles and the common areas that patients want treatment.
16An introduction to facial aesthetics - which area do we treat first?
Learn how to assess which cosmetic areas are priorities when treating patients.
17Basic facial anatomy
Learn about frontalis, corrugators, procerus and orbicularis oculi muscles and how they cause lines.
Key points covered: What is frontalis and how does it cause forehead lines? What is the glabella? What are crows feet?
18Anatomy of the face
in this presentation, learn where to place Botox injections to treat frown lines and forehead lines.
Key points covered: How many units of Botox are needed to treat the glabella, forehead and crows feet? How deep do I place the needle?
19Frontalis - the cause of forehead lines
See how to treat forehead lines with Botox
21How to hold the needle to allow accurate injection
See how to hold a Botox needle for accurate and safe injection.
22Safe needle use
23Needle depth for different aesthetic areas
Learn the different depths of injection for treating the forehead, crows feet and glabella with Botox injections.
28Patient assessment
In this video, learn how to assess a patient's movements to help work out which areas to treat with Botox.
29Marking the patient before treatment
Learn how to assess a face prior to injecting Botox and where to inject safely to avoid ptosis.
30Injection of the glabella
A live demonstration showing Dr Jonathan Brown injecting a patient's glabella with Botox.
Key points covered: How to inject the glabella safely with Botox. What is a ptosis after Botox?
31Injection of the forehead
A live demonstration showing Dr Jonathan Brown injecting a patient's forehead with Botox.
Key points covered: How deep to inject the forehead. Where to treat the forehead with Botox to give a natural result
32Injection of the crows feet
A live demonstration showing Dr Jonathan Brown injecting a patient's crows feet with Botox.
33What is spocking and how do I correct it?
What is 'spocking' after Botox injections? Learn what spocking is and how to correct it
34Aftercare - what do patients have to avoid after Botox? Dispelling some myths
Key points covered: What am I allowed to do after Botox injections? Can I drink alcohol and exercise after Botox?