How to become world class Business Analyst - Cases in Excel
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What is the aim of this course?
This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in business analysis through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become business analysts or do a lot of business analyses at their work.
This course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest firms from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B, and services sectors that I worked for. I have carried out or supervised over 90 different performance improvement projects in different industries that generated in a total of 2 billion of additional EBITDA. On the basis of what you will find in this course, I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts, and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors, COO, CRO, CEO, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members, etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 224 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Adidas, Naspers, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange, and many others.
I teach through case studies, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, and tools that we use. To every lecture, you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, and materials shown in the lectures so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modifications, be applied by you or your team in your work.
Why have I decided to create this course?
The companies I have worked with so far as a Board Member (I am usually, the Chief Restructuring Officer, VP responsible for Strategy and Development) still have huge problems with properly analyzing intermediate and advanced issues – they are usually preoccupied with current activities, and have close to no time for business analysis and strategic decision. Moreover, they do not know how to approach any subject from an analytical point of view to make sure that they are making the right decision. Therefore, quite often they hire consultants who in turn lack the practical knowledge and experience. This course is my small contribution to improving both consulting as well as operational and strategic analyses in FMC, SMCG, and B2B companies including also online models like e-commerce, SaaS, and marketplaces.
In what way will you benefit from this course?
The course is a practical, step-by-step guide loaded with tons of analyses, tricks, and hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you do the business analyses as well as the quality of the conclusions coming out of available in your company data. Every business analysis is well described and presented in the form of Excel, attached to the lecture. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course, you will know:
How to analyze different aspects of sales, marketing, and operations?
How to draw conclusions from those analyses – both for current operations as well as strategic ones?
How to be efficient in your work as an analyst?
How to build Excels and PowerPoints so that it is understandable for you and your team, even after some time?
Chose the right business analysis to identify problems and opportunities
You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.
How the course is organized?
The course is divided into the following sections:
Introduction. We begin with a little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of business analyst – what skills, education, and knowledge is required from you and what are the available career paths for you
Tools. In the second section, we briefly go through the main tools and concepts for business analysts. We devote some time to the most popular ones: Excel and PowerPoint
Business modeling – example of analyses. On some occasions, you analyze the whole business to see what is the logic behind it. Here we show how to prepare the model in Excel for some of the business models
Sales & Marketing. Analyzing the market, sales activities, efficiency, and the potential for expansion are some of the most typical tasks set for business analysts. Here I provide you with plenty of practical real-life examples of problems and solutions. Every business analysis also shows you the potential for increased sales or margin.
Operations. Quite often business performance depends on Operational Excellence. In this section, we will show you examples of analysis from logistics, production, production planning, and other supply chain issues. Every business analysis here will show you possible savings or opportunities to increase capacity.
Management Consulting Presentations. In this section, I will show you the essential things you need to create a consulting presentation during management consulting projects.
Cases for training analytical skills. In the last 4 sections, we will show you a lot of short analytical case studies that will help you improve your analytical skills.
You will be able also to download many additional resources
Excels with analyses shown in the course
Presentation of slides shown in the course
Links to additional presentations and movies
Links to books worth reading
Every business analysis is well described, available as a downloadable Excel file, and can be easily modified to meet your needs
In this lecture we will explain why it makes sense to take the course, what you will get out of it and what you should look forward to. We will also explain the logic we used to build the course
2How this course is organized
I will show you how the course is organized
3Who is business analyst
Here we will explain who is business analyst, what are the available career pahts to them and what kind of skills are required to become one. We will also briefly talk about what you should gradeatue to have a bigger chances of becoming business analyst
4What to do if a blurry image appears
Here I will show you what to do if a blurry image appears
5How to find additional resources
Here I will show you how to find additional resources attached to the coruse like Excel files, presentations, links etc.
6Main tools and techniques - introduction
Here I will show you what you will learn in this section
7Excel - basic rules for every Business Analyst
Here I will show you the main rules for Excel files that I recommend using when you are doing your analysis in Excel. This will help you create things understood by others that you can reuse for other projects
8Excel – Main functions you should master
In the next few lectures, we will repeat the Excel functions that will be useful later when we will be solving case studies. We will discuss the following sections:
IFERRORPivot Tables
If you are familiar with that you can skip these lectures and move on to management consulting tools and techniques
Enjoy the content and if you have any questions please let me know!
9VLOOKUP – Introduction
In this lecture, I will show you how to use one of the most useful functions - the VLOOKUP
10VLOOKUP with approximate match – Introduction
In this lecture, I will show you how to use one of the most useful functions - the VLOOKUP. We will look at the additional value coming from the so-called approximate match
11What you can use the VLOOKUP for?
In this lecture we show you what you can use the VLOOKUP function for. It is one of the most widely used function that simplifies a lot of things
12Basic VLOOKUP usage
We start with basic VLOOKUP Usage just to show you the flavor and basic construction of VLOOKUP.
13Some comments on basic VLOOKUP
We start with basic VLOOKUP Usage just to show you the flavor and basic construction of VLOOKUP.
14How to assign categories using VLOOKUP?
VLOOKUP can be used to assig categories. This helps you easily by creating rules divide data into segments, cohorts and analyze them, draw conclusions
15How to use HLOOKUP?
HLOOKUP is a cousin of VLOOKUP. It is not that often used independently but has some serious application when combined with VLOOKUP
16The logic of MATCH function
Another useful function is the so-called MATCH. We will see what it gives you.
17How to assign categories based on 2 criteria using VLOOKUP and MATCH function?
In this lecture I will show you how to assign categories using VLOOKUP and MATCH. You have the categories described in the matrix and you want to use them
18How to assign categories based on 2 criteria using HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP function
In this lecture I will show you how to assign categories using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. MATCH can be used as alternative to the HLOOKUP
19Why NOT to use IF function
IF function can be very problematic. I will show you in this lecture why is not always the best choice
20How to use if function?
We start with showing you how to use IF function
21How to use VLOOKUP instead of IF function?
In many cases IF can be replaced successfully with VLOOKUP. I will show you how to do it and what are the benefits
22How to use IFERROR function?
In some cases you need to use IFERROR. It can be used as a replacement for IF or independently
23How to use MAX and MIN instead of IF function
Sometimes make sense to use MIN and MAX instead of IF. I will show you how and when to do that
24Pivot tables - introduction
We start with basic usage of pivot tables
25Power Point - how it should be used by business analyst
Power Pointe presentation is the second most important tools to be used by Business Analyst in his work. After all it is not only important to analyse data and draw conclusions but also to show them in a nice manner to decision makers. Here you will learn basic rules on how to build your Power Point deck in fast and easy manner. You will see also some examples of good and bad slides. There are many advanced tools for presentation (i.e.) Prezi. Still Power Point is the most often used and widely accepted
26Bottom-up approach
In this lecture, you will get to know our favorite method for the first rough estimation – the bottom-up method. We give you also 2 examples with Excel calculation on how to use it.
27Top-down approach
Top-down is the little brother of bottom-up approach – not used that often but still very useful for re-segmenting the market (niche an low-cost strategy)
28Estimating the costs of a wedding – Introduction
Imagine that you have to estimate the costs of the wedding to help Tomasz plan his wedding. Use for that the bottom-up approach. We will use this case study to see how bottom-up approach works in practice
29Estimating the costs of a wedding – Partial Solution
In this lecture I will show you the solution to previously introduced case study
30Estimating the costs of a wedding – Excel Part 1
In this lecture I will show you the solution to previously introduced case study
31Estimating the costs of a wedding – Excel Part 2
In this lecture I will show you the solution to previously introduced case study
32Backward logic
In this lecture I show the backward thinking /induction. This approach enables you to design the whole process, company on the bases of the expected outcome
33Backward logic based decisions – Case Introduction
Let’s try to put the backward reasoning to practice. In this case study we will use it to decide what effort has to be done to 10x the current business. A few information about the retailer
He has currently 100 stores. Each store sales are equal to EUR 2 M
He wants to 10x the business up to Year 5
Estimate what LFL growth he must get and how many stores he must open
Assuming EUR 1 M per store estimate the Capex
Estimate how many people he has to recruit assuming 6 people per store
34Backward logic based decisions – Solution
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures
35Backward logic based decisions – When it makes sense to use it
Backward logic can be used in many situations. Below some of them
You have a clear goal in the future but not a clear path towards it
You want to estimate the pace needed to reach the goal
You want to check the implications for you or your department
You want to see what are the limitations preventing you from reaching the goal
You want to see whether the goal is not too ambitious
You want to see whether the goal does not require too big resources
36Compounded effect
In many cases you can get high end result from compounding effect in time or by getting small improvements in many areas. In this lecture I will explain the concept
37Issue tree
Issue tree is a simple yet powerful concept used in consulting for structuring discussion and picking the right topics to concentrate on. In this lecture I will show you the principles of using it as well as a practical example
38Issue tree – Examples Introduction
In this lecture, I will summarize what kind of examples of issue trees we will present in the next few lectures
39Issue tree – Logistics
Here I will show example of an issue tree in Logistics
40Issue tree – Retail
Here I will show example of an issue tree in Retail
41Issue tree – FMCG
Here I will show you ana example of Isse tree in FMCG
42Opportunity Tree
Opportunity tree is a tool that you can use to generate new ideas to improve your business by looking at main drivers of your business
43OEE and OLE
We show here how to use the so called OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) Analysis that shows you how efficient you are in using your resources. It is very useful for checking whether you use well machines and equipment
44Cost drivers
If you want to understand well a business you have to be able to identify the cost drivers that shape the business model. In this lecture I will show you how to do that
45Theory of constraints and bottlenecks
In every company you have bottlenecks that limit your ability to go forward and deliver more goods and services. Here I will show you how to estimate what is the impact for the whole system and how you can remove improve them. I will use simple production example to show you the effect on the whole system. You will see how the bottleneck can shift from 1 shift to another. You will also learn how to prioritize where it make sense to invest to get the best results.
Before doing this lecture I strongly encourage you first to take the OEE lecture – we use the OEE concept here so if you are not familiar with it please start with OEE lecture as a warm-up.
46Business Modeling - introduction
IÂ will show you what you will master in this section
47E-commerce business model - intro
In this lecture you will get insight into the business model of different e-commerce companies. E-commerce businesses group is very diversified so we will try to show the similarities and the differences between concepts.. You will learn here the definition of this business model, see some examples of companies using this business models. You will also understand what really matters in this sort of business, what KPIs you should look at and what values you can expect.
48E-commerce business model - Excel example
In this Lecture I will go through a business model of e-commerce and show you how you can model the behavior of the customer, acquisition methods and margins in Excel. Attached to this lecture you will find the file that I show in the video so download it and go through it. You can use it to model the e-commerce business you are analyzing
49Business model of a restaurant in Excel - basic model
Excel gives you great opportunities to calculate whether your idea makes sense or not. For this you will use the knowledge you have gathered in the previous lectures on your concept, location and your customers. Excel is obviously less emotion than you and the model you will create here can be used as a cornerstone of your business plans. It shows also to banks and potential investors what is your cash flow. We start with a simple model so you can understand it and learn how to use it.Â
50Business model of a restaurant in Excel - advanced model
In this lecture we make more advanced model. We introduce the traffic parameter and show how it is converted first into people that are engaged (stop and enter your restaurant) and later into customers (they buy something from you). Here we will be operating on 2 customer groups: first one eats at the restaurant; second one comes for take-aways. For both customer groups we calculate separate conversion rates and Average ticket (ATV). We still here show you a business model for a 1 restaurant
51Restaurant chain - how to model it in Excel?
Finally we show you how to model in Excel a restaurant chain.
52Mechanics of business model for a consulting firm
Before IÂ show you the model in Excel IÂ want to present you in this lecture the overall logic
53The business model of a consulting firm in Excel - Capacity and revenues
I show you in the lecture the model of the consulting firm in Excel. After modifying it you can use it for your purposes (we attach the Excel files to the lecture). This model will let you check whether your business idea makes sense.
54The business model of a consulting firm in Excel - costs and profit & loss
I show you in the lecture the model of the consulting firm in Excel. After modifying it you can use it for your purposes (we attach the Excel files to the lecture). This model will let you check whether your business idea makes sense.
55Financial models vs Business Models
As a business analyst or a consultant, you will have to from time to time create financial models. They are a bit different than business models. In business models, you go into details of operations and you focus on getting the links on the KPIs. Those models are usually done for internal purposes, to manage in the right direction the business. Financial models on the other hand are more for external users. You concentrate on creating a picture of the business in a standardized, understood by everybody way. You also want to create financial statements: profit & loss statement, balance sheet statement, cash flow statement.
56Other busines models
57What to study if you want to learn more
If you want to learn more when it comes to modeling, I suggest checking the following resources
Offline Business Models
Online Business Models
Essential Finance & Accounting
Financial Modeling for Management Consultants
Financial Modeling for Startups
Financial Analysis
I will attach resources to this lecture
58Sales and marketing analyses - introduction
IÂ will show you what you will master in this section
59Catchment area / reach analysis - B2B
In this lecture we show how you can measure and analyze what is the maximal reach of your B2B bussiness having in mind transportation costs and markups. We will provide you with fast way to identify potential customers and measure your targeted price on a specific foreign market
60Efficiency of marketing activities
Here I will show you how to see which marketing activities you should bet on
61Sales and margin efficiency in retail
In this lecture you will learn to calculate sales and margin density for a Retailer using pivot and sumifs function. I will also show you what conclusion you should draw from it.
62Sales channel analysis - case in FMCG
Most producers / brand owners operate using many sales channels: wholesalers, own shops, e-commerce, marketplace etc. It makes sense to check how profitability looks across channels and what can e done to improve overall situation. I will show you how it cane be done with a simple Excel analysis and a pivot table. I will go also try to demonstrate what kind of conclusions can you draw and what should be your next steps, on the basis of the results you are getting form the analyses
63Saturating existing markets – Introduction
We will now try to check in practice how to find saturation point for a retailer. In this lecture IÂ will introduce the case that we will work with for the next few lectures. You will be asked to find the saturation for grocery store operating in Poland
64Saturating existing markets – Data for the case study
In this lecture we solve previously introduced case.
65Saturating existing markets – Number of Stores
In this lecture we solve previously introduced case.
66Saturating existing markets – Data by Concepts
Now using data in the sheet "Concepts" on the number of store per City per concept try to estimate how many stores by concepts (Standard & Luxury Concept) we will have in each and every city. Try also to estimat the space by city by concept. For that use the sheet "Space" where we have already created the suggested structure for the data. Please use attached file Saturation point analysis v4 - Partial Solution.xlsx
So, pause the lecture, solve this part on your own and once you are down please move to the next lecture
67Saturating existing markets – Stores by concepts
In this lecture we solve previously introduced case.
68Saturating existing markets – Concept & Space
In this lecture we solve previously introduced case.
69Saturating existing markets – Solution in Power Point
In this lecture we solve previously introduced case.
70Saturating existing markets – WaterFall Chart
In this lecture, I will show you how to create a waterfall chart
71Product range analysis - Introduction
In Retail you have space that you divide among different product groups. For every group you should calculate the total margin using sales density, % Gross Margin and space allocated to specific group. You have to analyze their performance and decide how to split the space. In this lecture I will show you the general concept
72Product range analysis - Example
Here I show an example of a product range analysis
73How to expand the brand – Introduction
Let’s have a look at milk producer that wants to expand its product range. In this case you will be asked to analyze and find the best candidates for brand expansions. Â
74How to expand the brand – Solution – Part 1
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
75How to expand the brand – Solution – Part 2
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
76How to find the white spaces untouched by your brand – Introduction
Let’s have a cosmetics producer and see where is the potential for development. We will analyze the sales by regions and try to find how much more we can sell in each and every region.Â
77How to find the white spaces untouched by your brand – Solution – Per capita
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
78How to find the white spaces untouched by your brand – Solution – Local shares
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
79How to find the white spaces untouched by your brand – Solution – Presentation
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.
80Sales force efficiency analysis – Introduction
Let’s have a look at the sales force efficiency in Poland of a cosmetics producers. We will analyze the efficiency of sales force and look for ways to improve the marginÂ
81Sales force efficiency analysis – Solution – Unit Cost
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
82Sales force efficiency analysis – Solution – ABC analysis of Current Solution
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
83Sales force efficiency analysis – Solution – more on Current Solution
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
84Sales force efficiency analysis – Solution – Margin Maximazation
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
85Sales force efficiency analysis – Solution – Specialization
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
86Sales force efficiency analysis – Solution – Summary
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
87Sales force efficiency analysis – Practical Tips
In this lecture I will show you how to solve the case shown in the previous lectures.Â
88Overview of segmentation methods
89What to study if you want to learn more
If you want to learn more when it comes to sales & marketing, I suggest checking the following resources
Sales & Marketing Analysis
Market Research
Strategy for Management Consultants
Sales Forecasting for Management Consulting
Funnel Analysis
Pricing for Management Consultants