Flutter Shop App | State Management BLoC | Backend
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This is a online learning course app tutorial using BLoC state management. State management and routing both have been done using BLoC.
It consists for Laravel backend with Firebase for basic social media login. Most of the API are built using Laravel. The backend contains multi admin( super admin panel and teachers panel). It will have part 1 & 2. Students need to buy both part separately. In part 2, we will partially cover TDD With BLoC
App Features
onboard screen with three photos
email login Firebase verification
social media login Google, Apple and Facebook
viewing course
play video course where you will see how to play and stop videos
upload course from backend
view multiple teachers course
buy course on the front end
step by step stripe payment
super admin panel
teacher admin panel
chatting feature using Firebase
This app covers Flutter for very beginners to advanced learners. We start from very simple ui like drawing text to complex layout.
We also built reusable widget to reduce code amount. So at the end of this tutorial you learn how to build simple to complex reusable flutter widgets. Eventually we will master Firebase chatting and building API and interact with the servers with three ways.
State Management
We used BLoC to manage state and as well for routing.
We used Laravel framework for building backend and API. Backend has multi user privileges. It means there are super admins and sub admins. Teachers accounts are sub admin. Super admin can observe and assign roles to the teachers or the sub admins.
Firebase is used for email login and third party login like Google, Facebook and Apple.
PHP >= 7.4
Laravel > 8.8
Flutter > 3.3
9Welcome screen and stack widget ui part 1
10Welcome screen and column layout ui part 2
11Welcome screen and work on the next button ui part 3
12Welcome screen and reusable widget ui part 4
13Welcome screen and show dots indicator ui part 5
14Welcome screen page view and dots indicator ui part 6
15Welcome screen and work size indicator part 7
16Welcome screen and show image ui part 8
17Welcome screen and page swipe button click ui part 8
18MultiBlocProviders part 1
19MultiBlocProviders and heroTag part 2
20MultiBlocProvider and lazy bloc loading part 3
21MultiBlocProviders and routing with pushNamedAndRemoveUntil part 4
22Sign in screen and app bar part 1
23Sign in screen and social icon buttons part 2
24Sign in screen and reusable buttons part 3
25Sign in screen and reusable text part 4
26Sign in screen and text field part 5
27Sign in screen and text field part 6
28Sign in screen and text field part 7
29Sign in screen and text field part 8
30Sign in screen forgot link part 9
31Sign in screen and login and registration button part 10
41Sign in controller and get bloc context and state part 1
42Sign in controller and install plugin and firebase auth part 2
43Sign in controller and firebase auth part 3
44Sign in controller and firebase project creating part 4
45Sign in controller and iOS settings part 5
46Sign in controller and text field value part 6
47Sign in controller and passing function to widgets part 7
48Sign in controller and test with data part 8
49Sign in controller and try on Android part 9
50Sign in controller and toast widget part 10
51Sign in controller and separate BlocProviders part 11
52Register screen and route part 1
53Register screen and do ui part 2
54Register screen and do ui part 3
55Register screen and ui app bar theme part 4.mp4
56Register screen and register states part 5
57Register screen and understand immutable classes part 6
58Register screen and understand copyWith method part 7
59Register screen and create copyWith method part 8
60Register screen and register blocs part 9
61Register screen and optional named parameter for blocs part 10
62Register screen and finish the blocs part 11
63Register screen and inject bloc part 12
64Register screen and deeper understanding copyWith method part 13
74Route section and understand bloc and routes part 1
75Route section and understand PageEntity class part 2
76Route section and create list of routes with provider part 3
77Route section and inject bloc part 4
78Route section and onGenerateRoute part 5
79Route section and onGenerateRoute part 6
80Route section and debug route part 7
81Route section and organize files part 8
82Route section and app states part 9
83Route section and app events part 10
84Route section and bloc super constructor part 11
85Route section and set up application route part 12
86Route section and application page part 13
87Route screen and application widget bottom navigation bar part 14