Flutter & Firebase E-commerce (Main, MultiVendor, Admin) app
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Welcome to this Flutter & Firebase E-commerce (Main, Vendor, Admin) app course.
This course is designed for computer users who have limited or no previous exposure to Flutter.
You don’t need any previous programming experience to follow along and all you need to code in dart language under the Flutter framework, is either Android Studio or Visual Studio.
In this full course, you will learn how to develop (complete apps) the Main Shopping app for customers, the Vendor app for sellers and the Admin app.
Upon completion of this training, you should have a good working knowledge of Flutter, allowing you to develop apps using the dart language – flutter framework, not only in the field of e-commerce, but also in the fields of Real Estate and Automobiles like (cars).
In this course, you’ll understand the code written in dart for the Main app, Vendor app and Admin app.
Some of the things that you will learn include but are not limited to;
Main App
Online Shopping Stand-alone App OR Super App
Push Notification
Splash Screen
Home Screen (Banner Ads/Images, Deals / Products on offer)
Categories Screen
Products Screen (Filter using sub-categories)
Product Detail Screen (Product Name, Brand Name, Price, Delivery Information, Key Features, Description, Seller Information)
Image Slider Screen (Zoom In / Out)
Seller Store
Account Screen
Add Item to Cart (Select sizes as you Add Item to Cart)
Cart Screen
Checkout Screen
Confirmation Screen
Orders Screen & Order Detail Screen
Inbox Screen
Search Screen
Country Screen (Select Your Country)
About Screen
Privacy Policy Screen
Customer Login & Signup
Account Management (Edit Profile Screen & Delete My Data / Close Account Screen)
Cars / Real Estate
Vendor App
Splash Screen
Seller Login & Signup
Earnings Screen (Store Management Dashboard for Sellers)
Add Item (Details, Sizes, Images)
Edit Item (Details, Sizes)
Publishing And Unpublishing Products
Orders Screen & Order Detail Screen
Admin App
Splash Screen
Admin Login
Shopping: Manage Products (Approve/Reject new vendor’s products)
Shopping: Manage Orders – Orders Screen & Order Detail Screen (Confirm/Approve new orders)
Shopping: Manage Orders – Update current delivery stage
Shopping: Manage Orders – Send message to customer
Shopping: Put and Remove Deals on Home Screen of the Main App
And many more…
Ok… Let’s get started!
10Splash Screen
12Main Screen Shopping
13Category Screen
14Category-Sub Fashion Screen - Fetching sub-categories from firebase
15Category-Sub Fashion Screen - App Bar
16Category-Sub Fashion Screen - Displaying sub-categories
17Category-Sub Fashion Screen - Displaying products
18Category-Sub Fashion Screen - Add To Cart button
19Category-Sub Fashion Screen - Select Size as you Add To Cart
20Category-Sub Fashion Screen - Add item To Cart
21All Products Screen
22Product Detail Screen - Overview
23Product Detail Screen - Images CarouselSlider
24Image Slider Screen - Zoom In & Out
25Product Detail Screen - Product Name, Brand Name, Price, Size
26Product Detail Screen - Delivery Information
27Product Detail Screen - Key Features & Product Details
28More Detail Screen - Description Screen
29Seller Store Screen
30Cart Screen - Overview
31Cart Screen - Displaying products
32Cart Screen - Total price
33Checkout Screen - Overview
34Checkout Screen - Delivery Address
35Edit Profile Screen
36Checkout Screen -, Payment
37Success Screen
38Orders Screen
39Order Detail Screen
40Account Screen
41Inbox Screen
42Country Screen
43Account Management, Edit Profile, Delete My Data... Screens
44Home Screen - Cheki Shopping app & NestedScrollView behaviour
45Home Screen - Cheki Super app
46Home Screen - Banner Images
47Home Screen - Passing selected category
48Home Screen - Products ListView (Horizontal)