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Business Model Innovation: Differentiate & Grow Your Company

Use these simple Innovation Strategies for your Business Model to Accelerate the Growth of your Business
71,437 Students enrolled
21489 reviews
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This course will give you plenty of practical business strategies and examples to improve any business!

The current economic turbulence is a wake-up call for businesses of all sizes : it’s time to innovate, to become more efficient, more resilient, and find new sources of growth. There are many ways to achieve these goals by improving existing business models.

In this course you will learn about Business Models: what are the different components of a business, it’s “system”, how it works. The Business Model Canvas is a great tool to map out and get an overview of how a business works.

You will also learn about business model innovation strategies and especially the “new” types of innovation used by startups and large corporations such as Design, Customer Niches, Sales & Delivery Channels, Customer Engagement, Processes and Revenue Models. They will help you find new sources of growth for your business and differentiate from competition. We will illustrate all these innovation techniques using dozens of recent examples from startups, small and medium businesses and large corporations. 

This course is for :

1) Entrepreneurs & Startups
2) Small & Medium Businesses
3) Large Companies

For all the innovation strategies that we mention, we provide dozens of examples of how businesses of all sizes apply them. This Business Model Innovation course will give you many strategic insights into some of the best and most innovative business practices. You will be able to analyze any business, whether it is your own, the company you work for, or any other company, and brainstorm innovative ideas to accelerate its growth using business model innovation techniques.

There is also a special section at the end of the course where you will learn how to use ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence software as powerful research and brainstorming tools for your business. ChatGPT can be a great source of inspiration and ideas if you use it the right way.

(Disclaimer: The “Business Model Canvas” tool used in some parts of this course is used under Creative Commons license and attribution goes to Strategyzer. This course has no affiliation with and is not endorsed by the authors of the Business Model Canvas.)

Note: There are now “copycat” courses of this course. Some “instructors” used a similar name, content structure and examples. But as you can see from the amount of students and reviews, this is the true original course.

[Created by Business Disruptors]


In order to come up with the content for this course we worked with, analyzed and reverse-engineered many tactics of successful and innovative companies. You’ll see examples from Airbnb, Uber, Tesla, Twitch, Amazon, Spotify, Buzzfeed, Facebook, Google, Apple, Dyson, Reuters, Virgin, Tinder, Nintendo and many others!

Here are some of our reviews:

The best course I have ever taken in innovation. I thank the authors for providing this very useful online Mooc.

Amazing content! Very clear. Wonderful examples of how strategies have been implemented by extremely successful companies. Throughout this course, I went back through my business model canvas and strategized how I could innovate in each of the 9 areas.

Enjoyed this course! Well done. Great brainstorming questions for new and mature business owners.
Really good course. I can recommend it to all new entrepreneurs!
Very relevant topic, nice to look at slides, concise & brief explanation – no fluff

Customer Innovation: Customer niches, Sales & Delivery Channels, Marketing
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
21489 reviews
Stars 5
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Stars 1
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Course details
Lectures 9
Quizzes 1
Video 5 hours
Certificate of Completion


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Business Model Innovation: Differentiate & Grow Your Company
21489 reviews
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