OET Insights Speaking: Nursing
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This course is designed to give you a short, focused insight into the Occupational English Test for Nursing.
Be guided through the OET test criteria and learn how to implement it.
Learn useful phrases that you can use during your role-play and in your real-life consultations with your patients. These phrases include:
Starting a consultation
Asking for specific information
Dealing with difficult patients
Chunking information
Closing a consultation
Practise and extend your vocabulary and grammar, and read along with the teacher to focus on correct pronunciation, intonation, tone, and register.
Don’t forget to take our mini-practice tests to check your progress along the way and revise what you’ve learnt.
To help you further, you’ll be able to listen to two sample role-plays with commentary to identify key ways criteria has been met.
You’ll be able to work through the lectures at your own pace, because, as long as you have a good connection to the internet, you’ll be able to watch and rewind the lectures whenever you like.
We hope this course will help increase your confidence by helping you become familiar with the test and by teaching you key test-taking strategies that you can use to help boost your score.
Practise with us to work on your speaking skills to help you in your OET speaking sub-test and your professional working lives.
1Introduction to the Course
Thanks for joining us. Find out more about what to expect during this short course.
2OET Insights: Overview (all professions)
Learn more about the OET itself. Feel free to skip this video if you are confident you know what the test is all about.
3OET Insights Speaking: Test Format (all professions)
In this video, we go through the format of the OET speaking test so you'll know what to expect on test day. Feel free to skip this video if you are confident you know the format of the test already.
4OET Insights Speaking: Nursing Criteria
This is a long, but important video. We'll go through the criteria that you'll be assessed on, looking at examples of what the assessors are looking for. By understanding this, you'll be well on your way to scoring well on test day.
5De-coding the role-play: Settings
What should you do in your 3-minute preparation time? Learn how to read the role-play card, decode the instructions and prepare.
6De-coding the role-play: Key Words
Your role-play will give you a series of tasks. Learn how to read and understand these to help you plan what to do.
7De-coding the role-play: Anticipating
There are just two more things you need to think about in your planning time. Find out more by watching this short lecture.
First things first: how should you begin?
9Greetings and Starting the Consultation Quiz
Complete the gaps to form correct sentences. A short quiz to help you remember some useful phrases.
10Information Gathering: Asking Open Questions
This unit looks at useful phrases that you can use towards the start of the consultation and you ask open questions.
11Information Gathering: Asking Closed Questions
Now we move on to closed questions, so you can focus on the information you need from your patient to provide them with the care they need.
12Information Gathering: Using Lay Language
It's important to be able to ask questions about medical matters in a way that is easy for your patients to understand. This video looks at some examples of what you should be looking out for and how you can paraphrase medical language into lay, or everyday, terms.
13Information Gathering: Asking Polite Questions
An important part of your job is establishing rapport and it's very important that when you ask questions, they are polite and considerate. Let's look at the language that we can use to do this.
14Checking Understanding: Part 1
There are two times when checking understanding is essential. The first, is when you're taking patient history. You want to make sure you've understood everything correctly. We'll look at some phrases you can use to do that in this video. In the second part, which you can find later on in the Language Practice Library, we'll look at how you can check that your patient has understood you.
15Information Gathering Quiz
Are these sentences right or wrong? Think about them in terms of grammar and how suitable they are to use with a patient.
16Information Giving: Chunking
This video looks at how you can group ideas together and signpost them to the patient to give the consultation structure and make it easier for them to understand the process.
17Information Giving: Advice and Suggestions
18Information Giving: Strong Advice and Warnings
Find out how you can use firm but polite language to give your patients strong advice and warnings.
19Information Giving: Dealing with a Difficult Patient / Breaking Bad News
It's not always easy to tell a busy chef that they need to think about their diet. That's definitely not the news they want to hear! They may get difficult or upset, so how should you react? This unit looks at soft skills and gives you examples of language that can help you deal with these kinds of situations.
20Information Giving: Quiz
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
21Incorporating the Patient's Perspective: Negotiating
There are times when you will have to negotiate with a patient. This may be because they are finding it difficult to follow the advice you've given them, or because they don't agree with your suggestions. This unit looks at some phrases you can use to negotiate and which you can use to demonstrate shared responsibility.
22Checking Understanding: Part 2
Once you've given the patient treatment advice, it's important to make sure they understood what you've told them. If not, their aftercare may suffer. Here are some phrases you can use to help you make sure that your patients are sure about what happens next!
23Ending the Consultation
Let's have a look at how you can end the consultation by reassuring the patient, thanking them, and then saying bye.
24Language Practice Test
Now that you've completed the section, practise your knowledge by choosing the correct word to complete the useful phrases you've learnt.
27YouTube Lesson: An Odd Angle
This was a lecture first shown on our YouTube channel. We look at some everyday lay language that a patient may use with you in real life and look at a role-play connected to the situation.
28YouTube Lesson: Dialysis
This was a lecture first shown on our YouTube channel. We look at some everyday lay language that a patient may use with you in real life and look at a role-play connected to the situation.
29Nursing Exclusive: Camping Trip
This lecture looks at how to offer reassurance and simple advice to a worried parent who is about to take his or her young children away on a camping trip. Again, we won't go through every single task on the card, but look at some interesting ways to explain points in lay langauge.
30Nursing Exclusive Role-Play: Contact Dermatitis
In this lesson, we look at a role-play which deals with the topic of contact dermatitis. We won't go through every single point on the task card, because it's a good idea to try and build up your own way of working through the tasks, but we will look at some options for information giving.
31Nursing Exclusive Role-Play: Sciatica
In this lesson, we'll go over a role-play which features a home visit to a patient who has sciatica. You'll be asked to discuss treatment options.
32Nursing Exclusive Role-Play: Steroid Injection
This role-play is set in a pre-operation ward and you've been asked to prepare the patient for the procedure. You'll have a set of tasks which feature a lot of information gathering.
33Nursing Exclusive Role-Play: Splint
In this lesson, we look at a role-play which asks you to deal with a difficult patient. You have to warn, advise, and stress the importance of compliance.