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Personal Transformation





Personal Development
1.5 total hours
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Personal Development
2 total hours
$19.99 $13
Come learn from Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Joseph Drumheller! Over 16,000 online students in 147 countries 40+ online courses Conducted 2,000+...
5 Lectures
2 total hours
Personal Development
4.5 total hours
$79.99 $15
Get ready to boost your fashion styling power, be your own fashion stylist and become a master in smart shopping!  You’ll learn: Th...
5 Lectures
4.5 total hours
Personal Development
1.5 total hours
$19.99 $13
Somos seres linguísticos e precisamos nos comunicar bem, para poder termos resultados melhores em nossos relacionamentos e até mesmo para ganharmos...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Personal Development
10 total hours
$59.99 $13
No mercado do Século XXI é imprescindível ter capacidade de aprender e aplicar novos conceitos e habilidades. Porém, é impossível pagar cursos e ma...
5 Lectures
10 total hours
Personal Development
1.5 total hours
$19.99 $13
Não basta você aprender técnicas de oratória se você não tem segurança para falar em público. Toda a organização da palestra cai por terra no prime...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Personal Development
8.5 total hours
$19.99 $13
Aprenda, partindo do zero, um método passo a passo para criar apresentações que você fará com prazer, segurança e que causarão um impacto na platei...
5 Lectures
8.5 total hours
Personal Development
16.5 total hours
$89.99 $15
Are you brimming with business ideas but unsure of how to get started? If you’re new to entrepreneurship and crave more confidence and busine...
5 Lectures
16.5 total hours
Personal Development
2 total hours
$54.99 $15
The Formula for building Wealth, making money has been the same for centuries. The reason we have financial difficulty is because we don’t have eno...
5 Lectures
2 total hours