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Arts & Crafts





Arts & Crafts
5.5 total hours
Members only
Beeswax is a wonderful wax produced by honey bees and is one of the most interesting products produced by nature.  You will love the colour an...
5 Lectures
5.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
40 total mins
Members only
How to do stitching/how to make an embroidery design Hello guys, in this lesson /course you will learn how to make embroidery design step by step, ...
5 Lectures
40 total mins
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1.5 total hours
Members only
Este curso é para você que gosta de confeccionar pelúcias para presentear ou comercializar. Neste curso você terá acesso aos moldes da roupa e do c...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
4 total hours
Members only
這個課程的目標是讓您透過重點帶領的實作,織出Irene Lin設計的Rota無袖背心,並在過程中學習相關編織英文的發音和針法,尤其是各種編織字彙用語的發音:看一...
5 Lectures
4 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1.5 total hours
Members only
A’dan Z’ye İğne Oyası Nasıl Yapılır! İğne Oyası nasıl yapılır konusunda çeşitli İğne Oyası teknikleri öğrettiğim bu eğitim ile İğne Oya...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
3 total hours
Members only
Você quer aprender a Bordar Ponto Cruz mas não sabe por onde começar? Esse curso irá te ajudar, ele é dedicado para quem deseja aprender a bordar P...
5 Lectures
3 total hours
Members only
這個課程的目標是讓您透過一步步帶領的實作,織出英國設計師Ysolda Teague的Tresna shawl一絞線披肩,並在過程中學習相關編織英文的發音和針法,尤其是各種編...
5 Lectures
3 total hours
Members only
年を重ねて老眼が気になり始めた世代へ。 若い頃から細かい手仕事が好きだったけど。 目の衰えなどいつまで元気でいられるか気になってきた方。 ここで新しい...
5 Lectures
1 total hour
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1.5 total hours
Members only
O curso Primeiros Pontos surgiu para ser um gostinho do que é o bordado livre. Espero que ele seja sua porta de entrada para o universo do bordado,...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1 total hour
Members only
I think it’s fascinating that you can take a regular ball of yarn and turn it into a work of art. In this class, I’ll show you how to p...
5 Lectures
1 total hour
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1.5 total hours
Members only
Do the terms French Knots and Colonial Knots fill you with fear when you hear them or see them mentioned in a hand embroidery project?  W...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
8.5 total hours
Members only
¿Quieres diseñar y tejer divertidos personajes, sonajeras y animalitos a crochet ? En este curso, aprenderás a diseñar y confeccionar tu propio ami...
5 Lectures
8.5 total hours
Members only
(English translation below) فن يدوي ممتع؟ غير مكرر ومتعدد الاستخدامات؟ أن كنت شخصيه مبدعه , تحب التجديد , وتبحث عن هواية لتفريغ طاقتك ومربحه في نفس...
5 Lectures
1 total hour
Members only
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ،هذه الدورة عبارة عن التدرب على تطريز الكمة العمانية التقليدية التي يرتديها الرجال في سلطنة عمان باستخدام غرزة العق...
5 Lectures
1 total hour
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1.5 total hours
Members only
Já conhece o básico do bordado mas está sentido que falta um toque para alcançar peças mais elaboradas e vendáveis? Nesse curso eu vou te ensinar t...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
1.5 total hours
Members only
In this course we will be exploring the program MacStitch/WinStitch to create charts for Blackwork embroidery.  The program can be used to cre...
5 Lectures
1.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
2 total hours
Members only
This course will contain 39 stitches – Basic stitches. These are the most commonly used stitches in Hand Embroidery. This course will help yo...
5 Lectures
2 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
2.5 total hours
Members only
Dating back over 1000 years, Goldwork Embroidery has been synonymous with splendour. This traditional handcraft  has been a symbol of wealth, ...
5 Lectures
2.5 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
2 total hours
Members only
Up to Date as at: January 2017. The #1 problem in the Embroidery, Dressmaking and Crafts industry is Price. “How much should you charge for y...
5 Lectures
2 total hours
Members only
Arts & Crafts
7.5 total hours
Members only
Hello friends, My name is Insiyah, am a freelance embroidery artist. I was introduced to this beautiful art form by my mother at a very young age, ...
5 Lectures
7.5 total hours
Members only