Email Marketing - Copywriting and Growing Your E-mail Lists
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You hear the phrase all the time. The money is in the list. The money is in the follow up.
But how do you grow an email list? How do you follow up?
After spending literally years, studying other successful marketers, learning copywriting, and customer psychology, I finally created a brand new system for my clients.
I will hold your hand and build this system with you. Email by email, sequence by sequence.
I know how frustrating it is to sit in front of a blank screen with writers block, trying to come up with the perfect sentences to build relationships and sell your products.
That’s why I have tested and perfected tons of templates that you can use.
Most entrepreneurs fail because they did not take the time to build a simple system to contact their potential customers. I’ll take a step further and really over deliver.
We are going to go on an Easy Email Marketing adventure.
I am going to do all the copywriting with you and build your easy email marketing system in just a few days. So that by the end of this short course, you will be open for business.
Just like what my previous students and clients did.
Check out my client’s case studies and let make you my next success story.
Jun Wu
Your Biggest Cheerleader
2Top Secret Way to get Email Marketing Done in seconds with AI
316X your Business LIVE with AI this week
4Your Most Important Online Asset - Your Email List
1) selling a product that costs more than a $100.
if you want to sell a product that is $100 or above... you will need a list.
I actually did experiments to test this. I sold my courses valued at least $997 and. 50%. I sold it for $100. But no one bought. I made it $50 and only a few bought. It wasn't until I made it $30 that it finally started flying off the selfs.
And that's the the reality of online marketing and online sales these days. No one knows how valuable your product is or how valuable you are a person as an expert. You use email to do it.
2) Buying cycles are increasing
People need at least 7 touch points to consider your product. Even if it's just $100.
it is also way more personal than social media. Social media is a platform that people go to for content. It is one thing to follow someone's instagram account and consume content there. and another thing to find your message in their email inbox and consume it there. They social dynamic is different. You can see that right?
3) When you run ads you have to pay for it. But once you get the people on your list you own that list and they are free traffic. You own that traffic for life (provided that people don't unsubscribe) you can sell to them indefinitely. Like when my ad account got shut down during quarteine, I was still able to make money becuase of the list I had.
The goal of your email list is to build relationship so that people will listen to you when you tell them to click on a link, opt in, subscribe, download, join, and buy.
4) Emails are very personal. Even if they follow you on social media, its not that personal. they follow alot of accounts. But email? Unless they are marketers themselves, Most people are not on tons of lists. They choose only a handfull to recieve emails from, the rest, they unsubscribe.
5) and lastly, once you have a email list, you can upload them to your ad platform like facebook ads or youtube ads and then give your ads show up the next time they are on browsing on facebook or yotube. How powerful is that?
The goal of your email list is to build relationship so that people will listen to you when you tell them to click on a link, opt in, subscribe, download, join, and buy.
Here are the templates, download them. And we will spend the rest of the time showing you how to use it...
5POWER UP - Features to Benefits to Hooks - The Perfect Sales Pitch
I want you to start thinking about communiticating from today on in this way. The hook. Everything that you are talking abotu has a hook. If it doesn't have a hook. It's probally not worth talkabiut about or communicating about.
In the old days it was features.
Then it was benefits
Now it's hooks.
Movies uses hooks.
start using it in conversation. you will see that people get more interested when what you say have a hook. It makes things instantly relevant to people. And it is catchy.
It's a pattern interrupt.
here are the templates.
rest of the course we'll use them to sell you and your business.
6Do Not Get Friend Zoned!
Value and Offer should not be exclusive. They live harmoniously in your business and your emails.
If you keep giving giving content without asking for a return people will expect it and will never buy from you. When you start promoting they will think you are a traitor.
Real relationships are a give and take. It's mutal
like people who follow my blog post. I give out skin care tips and all that and even had to research and ask my other friends to share. But as soon as I started giving offers, my audience got turned off. The actually felt betrayed... as if somehow I tricked them into thinking that my tips and services were free but actually not.
this is why I created this Email Marketing road map.
7Automation Vs. Autoresponder Secrets
8The Email Algorithm - Top 3 Mistakes Beginners Make
I know what you are thinking. Jun, I dont' even have a list and oyu are telling me to clean it.
Or jun, I have a list and have been email them. It's hard earned. I paid for heavy traffic to get them. and you are asking me to get rid of them? i am just going to keep email them until they open my email damn it!I didn't realize this in the begginning when I started email marketing but email marketing is like being in a social media platform. You are controled by yet another algorithm. If you post stuff on Instagram and no one likes it. less people will see it. Same thing as emails. If you send email after email to a list and no one opens. It will hurt your deliverability.
your deliverbility is based on a few factors.
Quality score
1) How many people are opening your mails -
2) Clicks -
3) Shares or Forwards /mark it important, star it, giving it a label, tag or folder for it. -
4) Bounces -
5) Unsubs / complains -
Check your sender score
Practice good list hygiene and ISP will deliver more of your mails
Different accounts for different deliverability
9Email Marketing for Social Media Growth
10How to Grow Your Email List
11Select An Email Autoresponder
13Lead Magnets 101 - 3 Days Project
It took me nearly 3 months to learn how to create a good lead magnet.
But we don't have that much time. In fact we only have 10 minutes. I will show you everything you need to create your lead magnet in these 10 minutes.
Why 3 months? Because it took me 3 months to create it and I realized that was a waste of my time.
You only need 3 days max to create it. In fact you should only take you a weekend.
I will show you how to create a lead magnet so people will join your list and
Small piece of value that solves a specific problem for a specific niche that makes them want to give you their email.
That is how you can make your lead higher quality. They are serious about what you are offering.
Ultra specific solution to a problem (it shows intent) - general problems general solutions don't work well in getting you good leads. Shows intent. no one will want to download it for fun there is a reason. They want something specfic. Topical segmentation. It makes your sales letter sales video sales copy easier. You can speak directly to what they want.
Promises one highlight instead of many things. In the headline promise one big thing and you can add more once they download. But don't say all the things in the headline
Easy to consume - not long ebook. need to be consumed in 5 minutes or less.
Good lead magnet gets good quality leads. Your magenet attracts certain people. People who are willing to sign up to a webinar is a good lead. they actually are willing to set through 1 hour of video. That is awesome.
Case studies videos 5 minute video explaining how you helped someone with a specific problem.
resource list/cheatsheets and handouts -examples - templates - swipefiles - great for eCommerce and affiliate
answer their #1 question- continue their belief of your product.
Report guide - specific
free download / trial - What is one result they really want. It a lot of work time effort and money. check out our software it does everything faster and less headache. Free trail.
Assessment/Test/quiz/survey - interactive makes people feel like that are getting a custom help/coaching/treatment
They also should only take 3 days max to complete
1 day to research and gather the information
2 day to put the information together
3 day is to polish and package it. Give it a cover, take a screen shot, and upload it online.
14My Email Templates and how to use them
These templates are ones I used collected, got from others, collected....
They are a way to start writing. I don't want you to stare at a blank screen for minutes and hours trying to figoure out what to write. So I made it sasy foryou.
That being said. The students that see the most success are ones who takes the templates and modify them to fit their own style. Their personlaity, humor, language, and etc. The more you modify them to fit who you are the more orgic and real your email will be and the more engagement you will have.
15Lead Magnet Email + Template
This will be send out immediately after optin. Also it will be sent out along with the warm up sequence. Magnet sequence at the end tell them what they will be getting. Since you wanted this lead magent, I know something else that will also help. Watch out for it.
A picture of the Lead magnet reminds them what they opted in for. This is also why you need to restate the benefit. All this is a reminder.
16Lead Magnet Offer Sequence + Template
It's called the Lead Magnet Offer Sequence becuase it's a specific offer. An offer that you don't do all the time. Selling a low ticket $30-$50 product.
We always start low and get people to commit first before selling something high. We also sell this right now because it is directly related to the lead magnet. As you will see in advanced email marketing that it's not a good idea to sell always the same things to your list...
For low ticket items that are $10-$50 you can try to sell right at the end of the lead magnet email. Just attach this sequence to it.
If you choose to send this sequence right now, just Remember, your warm up sequence (which explains who you are and builds rapport) will be sent alongside this one. That will mean your subscriber will be getting 2 emails from you per day for 3 days.
17WAIT! Don't Automate and Go On Vacation Yet!!!
19POWER UP - Warm Up Sequence Secrets
Welcome to my tribe, my movement...
Value comes from Giving Tips and Building Relationships
4 Emails Total.
This will be done immediately when someone ops into the list. So that means someone who opts in will receive 2 emails perday for 4 days straight and that is okay because we are overwhelmed with things, we forget. and someone who just opted into your list is excited about what you can offer them. They won't mind as long as you give them value.
I used to think vaule means tips, hacks, secrets, whether you call it.
But As I experimeinted with differetnt warm up sequences, I realize that my open rates and click through rates didn't suffer when i switched to Relationship builidng.
So idealing you are supposed to be doing both. -
20Welcome Email + Template
it just baffles my mind when I see a welcome email that just give me a list of things to do. First put me in your contact list 2 join my facebook group 3 join my instagram 4 join my youtube channel 5 join my twitter 6 reply to this mail so that I know you got it. Jesus! That is like a obssive compulsive boyfriendgirlfriend right there. I just met you. I don't even fully know if I like you yet and you are acting like we are getting married and connecting all of our social media accounts together!
if you want engagemnet from the email, as in reply. you don't have to do it here. Because you are not offering anything specific that they can relate to . Asking someone to reply works best once you have given them a freebie or have told them a personal story and ask. can you relate to this. where are you on this path? remember, we already asked the to reply back to our lead magnet. and we do it again, ask then to reply back at the end of the warmup sequence.
21Option 1: Most Popular Works Sequence + Template
One of the best way to start a sequence from the first time is to give them a taste of what you can offer. Almost like a magazine celebrating remembering the previous year and celebrating a new year.
And tell them! It's some of your best ones. voted by your students. the ones that find most helpful. the ones that really changed peple's lives.
Don't say best of because that is subjective. But most popular is proven, it's social proof.
Establishes you as the expert. The authority.
22Option 2: Relationship Building Sequence Example 1 + Template
Builds the relationship the best. It's sharing stories to let them know you been there. You are positioning yourself as part of them. It's us verses them. Us verses the world. It's polarizing.
This is for people who don't really have track record yet. or not a guge credit on social media, or tons of social proof.
If you can't promote products or reputation yet... what do you promote? you promote yourself.
23Relationship Building Sequence Example 2 + Template
32Reset Sequence - Trendy News or videos + Template
33POWER UP - Fan Filter + Template
Ever been on someone's list and they will just write a email just to say high without any obvious benefit?
Why are they doing that?
POWER UP - Now you will be able to separate people on your list from those who sincerely interested in you or just your benefit... That's incredibility powerful. These are the people who are willing to do surveys, review your products, give testimonals, basically fans. They deserve sepcial treatment. For example if you come out with new material tehy will appreciate it and more likely first to watch it. So if you want to increase your social media
The rest sequences is all about continuing the relationship when they don't want to commit. You don't say forget you... because you will make an offer again soon. But you want something to buffer before that. You want to show no big deal we are still friends....
These are considered content and not promotions it resets the attention of the subscriber.
and what better way to provide content then things happening in the news?
reset is also used in advanced email marketing why? because of the goodwill campaign. it helps segment the people who click your emails just because its from you. not becuase its has benefits.